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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, B, N, R and Y

ANBURYanbury n. (Archaic) A wen or spongy wart on the legs or flanks of a horse.
anbury n. A disease in turnips, produced by one of the slime-fungi, and usually the result of improper cultivation.
ANBURY n. a soft fleshy tumour in horses; a disease of turnips and cabbages, also ANGLEBERRY.
BARNEYbarney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A lark, a romp, some fun.
barney n. (Obsolete, UK, slang) A hoax, a humbug, something that is not genuine, a rigged or unfair sporting contest.
barney n. (Obsolete, Harvard University slang) A poor recitation.
BARONYbarony n. The domain of a baron or baroness, usually as part of a larger kingdom or empire.
barony n. (Obsolete) The baronage: the body of barons in a realm.
barony n. Baronship, the rank or position of a baron.
BARYONbaryon n. (Physics) A heavy subatomic particle created by the binding of quarks by gluons; a hadron containing…
BARYON n. a heavier class of subatomic particles.
BINARYbinary adj. Being in one of two mutually exclusive states.
binary adj. (Logic) Concerning logic whose subject matter concerns binary states.
binary adj. (Arithmetic, computing) Concerning numbers and calculations using the binary number system.
BRAINYbrainy adj. (Informal) Very intellectually capable.
BRAINY adj. intelligent.
BRANDYbrandy n. (Uncountable) An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.
brandy n. (Countable) Any variety of brandy.
brandy n. (Countable) A glass of brandy.
BRANKYbranky adj. (Scotland, dialect) showy.
BRANKY adj. (Scots) showy.
BRANNYbranny adj. Full of or resembling bran.
BRANNY adj. containing bran.
BRAWNYbrawny adj. Characterized by brawn; muscular, thewy; strong.
brawny adj. Calloused; hardened.
BRAWNY adj. strongly built.
NEARBYnearby adj. Adjacent, near, close by.
nearby adv. Next to, close to.
nearby n. (Finance) A futures contract, of a particular group, whose settlement date is the earliest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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