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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, B, G, I and N

ABLINGabling v. Present participle of able.
ABLE v. (obsolete) to enable.
ABYINGabying v. Present participle of aby.
abying v. Present participle of abye.
ABY v. (archaic) to pay the penalty, also ABYE.
BAAINGbaaing n. The bleating of a sheep.
baaing v. Present participle of baa.
BAAING n. the cry of a sheep.
BAGNIObagnio n. A brothel.
bagnio n. (Obsolete) A building for bathing, sweating.
bagnio n. (Obsolete) In Turkey, a prison for slaves.
BAKINGbaking v. Present participle of bake.
baking adj. That bakes.
baking adj. (Figuratively) Of a person, an object, or the weather: very hot; boiling, broiling, roasting.
BALINGbaling v. Present participle of bale.
baling n. A collection of material packaged into a bale.
BALING n. the act of making into a bale.
BANINGbaning v. Present participle of bane.
BANE v. to kill with poison.
BARINGbaring v. Present participle of bare.
baring n. The act by which something is laid bare.
Baring prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
BASINGbasing v. Present participle of base.
basing n. The storage or housing of something within a base.
BASE v. to place on a foundation.
BATINGbating v. Present participle of bate.
bating prep. (Now rare) Apart from; except.
bating adj. (Cornwall, Devon, dialect) Of the moon, when it is waning.
BAYINGbaying v. Present participle of bay.
baying n. Action of the verb to bay; howling.
baying n. An instance of baying; a howl.
GABIONgabion n. (Historical, military) A cylindrical basket or cage of wicker which was filled with earth or stones…
gabion n. A woven wire mesh unit, sometimes rectangular, made from a continuous mesh panel and filled with stones…
gabion n. (Civil engineering) A porous metal cylinder filled with stones and used in a variety of civil engineering…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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