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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, B, E, R and Z

BEZOARbezoar n. A mass, usually of hair or undigested vegetable matter, found in a human or animal’s intestines, similar…
bezoar n. An enterolith.
BEZOAR n. (Persian) a concretion found in the stomach or intestines of certain animals (chiefly ruminants), formerly believed to be antidotal.
BLAZERblazer n. A semi-formal jacket.
blazer n. A person or thing that blazes (marks or cuts a route).
blazer n. Anything that blazes or glows, as with heat or flame.
BRAIZEbraize n. A European marine fish, Pagrus pagrus, allied to the American scup; the becker. The name is sometimes…
braize n. Dated form of braise. (meat cooked by braising)
braize n. Alternative spelling of braze (small charcoal for melting ore).
BRAZEDbrazed v. Simple past tense and past participle of braze.
BRAZE v. to solder with an alloy of copper and zinc.
BRAZENbrazen adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass (in color or strength).
brazen adj. Sounding harsh and loud, like brass cymbals or brass instruments.
brazen adj. (Archaic) Extremely strong; impenetrable; resolute.
BRAZERbrazer n. An instrument used in brazing.
BRAZER n. one that brazes.
BRAZESbrazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of braze.
BRAZE v. to solder with an alloy of copper and zinc.
ZAREBAzareba n. (Chiefly figurative) Alternative spelling of zariba.
zareba v. (Chiefly figurative) Alternative spelling of zariba.
ZAREBA n. (Arabic) an improvised stockade, esp. one made of thorn bushes, etc., also ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZEREBA, ZERIBA.
ZEBRASzebras n. Plural of zebra.
ZEBRA n. an African mammal related to the horse.
ZEREBAzereba n. Alternative form of zariba.
zereba v. Alternative form of zariba.
ZEREBA n. (Arabic) an improvised stockade; esp. one made of thorn bushes, etc., also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZERIBA.
ZERIBAzeriba n. (Historical) A fence of the type once commonly improvised in northeastern Africa from thornbushes.
zeriba n. (By extension) An improvised stockade, particularly those similarly located and constructed.
zeriba n. (By extension) A camp of troops employing such an enclosure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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