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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 6 six-letter words containing A, B, E, G and T

ATABEGatabeg n. (Historical) A high medieval Turkish feudal title, originally charged with the caretaking and mentoring…
ATABEG n. (Turkish) a Turkish ruler or high official, also ATABEK.
BAGUETbaguet n. (Architecture, zoology) Alternative form of baguette.
BAGUET n. (French) a long French loaf, also BAGUETTE, BAGNETTE.
GABLETgablet n. (Architecture) A small gable, or gable-shaped canopy, formed over a tabernacle, niche, etc.
GABLET n. a small gable.
GAMBETgambet n. Any bird of the obsolete genus Totanus, now principally in genus Tringa; a tattler.
GAMBET n. (Italian) a red-legged wading bird, the redshank, also GAMBETTA.
TEABAGteabag n. A cloth or paper sachet containing tea leaves or herbal tea, designed to act as an infuser when submerged…
teabag v. (Transitive, vulgar, slang) To lower one’s testicles into the mouth of another person, or onto the face…
teabag v. (Video games) To sit or crouch repeatedly on the head of another player’s character after they are dead.
TUBAGEtubage n. Tubing; a system of tubes.
tubage n. (Medicine) intubation.
tubage n. (Military, historical) The process of lining a heavy gun by insertion of a tube of wrought iron, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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