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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing 2A, N, P and R

PANARYpanary n. A pantry or storehouse for bread.
panary adj. (Obsolete) Relating to the making of bread.
PANARY n. a bread store.
PANDARpandar n. (Obsolete) A person who furthers the illicit love affairs of others; a pimp or procurer, especially when male.
pandar v. To pander (assist in the gratification of).
PANDAR v. to act as a procurer of sexual favours, also PANDER.
PARANGparang n. A short, heavy, straight-edged knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a tool and weapon.
parang v. To cut with a parang.
parang n. A style of music originating from Trinidad and Tobago, strongly influenced by Venezuelan music.
PARIANParian n. A native or inhabitant of Paros.
Parian n. A ceramic ware, a kind of bisque porcelain, supposed to resemble the fine-textured white marble of Paros.
Parian adj. Of or relating to the Greek island of Paros.
PARTANpartan n. (UK, dialect) An edible British crab.
PARTAN n. (Gaelic) a kind of edible crab.
PIRANApirana n. Alternative form of piranha.
piraña n. Alternative spelling of piranha.
PIRANA n. (Tupi) a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI, PIRAI, PIRAYA.
PLANARplanar adj. Of or pertaining to a plane.
planar adj. Flat, two-dimensional.
planar adj. (Graph theory, of a graph) Able to be embedded in the plane with no edges intersecting.
PRAJNAprajna n. (Buddhism) Wisdom; understanding; insight.
PRAJNA n. (Sanskrit) wisdom or understanding considered as the goal of Buddhist contemplation.
PRANASpranas n. Plural of prana.
PRANA n. (Sanskrit) in yoga, vital energy present in air and sunlight.
PURANAPurana prop.n. (Hinduism) A text that is part of an ancient Indian genre of Hindu or Jain written literature, concerning…
PURANA n. (Sanskrit) any one of a class of sacred books of Hindu mythology, cosmology, etc. written in Sanskrit.
TARPANtarpan n. An extinct Northern European wild horse, Equus ferus ferus.
TARPAN n. an Asian wild horse.
TRAPANtrapan n. A snare; a stratagem; a trepan.
trapan v. (Transitive) To ensnare; to catch by stratagem; to entrap; to trepan.
TRAPAN v. to operate on with a surgical saw, also TREPAN, TREPHINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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