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There are 20 six-letter words containing 2A, L, P and S

ALAAPSalaaps n. Plural of alaap.
ALAAP n. (Sanskrit) in Indian music, the introductory section of a raga, also ALAP, ALAPA.
ALAPASalapas n. Plural of alapa.
ALAPA n. (Sanskrit) in Indian music, the introductory section of a raga, also ALAAP, ALAP.
ALPHASalphas n. Plural of alpha.
ALPHA n. (Greek) a Greek letter.
APPALSappals v. (Britain) third-person singular simple present indicative form of appal.
APPAL v. to horrify, also APPALL.
CALPAScalpas n. Plural of calpa.
CALPA n. (Sanskrit) one of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years, also KALPA.
JALAPSjalaps n. Plural of jalap.
JALAP n. a Mexican plant, also JALOP.
KALPASkalpas n. Plural of kalpa.
KALPA n. (Sanskrit) one of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years, also CALPA.
LAMPASlampas n. A type of luxury fabric with a background weft.
lampas n. An inflammation and swelling of the soft parts of the palate immediately behind the foreteeth in a horse.
LAMPAS n. inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth, also LAMPASSE, LAMPERS.
PALAISPALAIS n. (French) a palace.
PALAYSpalays n. Plural of palay.
palays n. Obsolete form of palace.
PALAY n. (Tamil) the ivory tree, a small South Indian tree of the dogbane family.
PALSASpalsas n. Plural of palsa.
PALSA n. (Finnish) a landform of subarctic regions.
PASCALpascal n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of pressure and stress; one newton per square…
Pascal prop.n. (Countable) A male given name from Latin used in medieval England; today occasionally borrowed from French.
Pascal prop.n. (Countable) A surname transferred from the given name.
PASELAPASELA n. (Zulu) a gratuity to a black South African, also BONSELA, BONSELLA, BANSELA.
PAUSALpausal adj. (Linguistics) Relating to a pausa.
pausal adj. Relating to a pause.
PAUSAL adj. pertaining to a break or rest in speaking or writing.
PLASMAplasma n. (Physics) A state of matter consisting of partially ionized gas and electrons.
plasma n. (Hematology) A clear component of blood or lymph containing fibrin.
plasma n. (Hematology) Blood plasma, free of suspended cells, used in transfusions.
PLAYASplayas n. Plural of playa.
PLAYA n. (Spanish) a basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rain, and dries out again.
PLAZASplazas n. Plural of plaza.
PLAZA n. (Spanish) a public square, e.g. in a town.
SALPAEsalpae n. Plural of salpa.
salpæ n. Plural of salpa.
SALPA n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALP, SALPIAN, SALPID.
SALPASsalpas n. Plural of salpa.
SALPA n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALP, SALPIAN, SALPID.
TALPASTALPA n. (Latin) an encysted tumour on the head, a wen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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