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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing 2A, I, M and S

AGAMISagamis n. Plural of agami.
AGAMI n. a crane-like bird of South America.
AHIMSAahimsa n. (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) A doctrine of non-violence, concerned with the sacredness of all living…
AHIMSA n. (Sanskrit) in Hindu philosophy, the principle of noninjury to living beings.
ALISMAalisma n. A water plantain.
Alisma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Alismataceae – water plantains.
ALISMA n. (Greek) a plant of the water-plantain genus.
AMIGASamigas n. Plural of amiga.
AMIGA n. (Spanish) a (female) friend.
AMUSIAamusia n. The inability to comprehend or respond to music.
AMUSIA n. the inability to recognize musical sounds.
ANIMASanimas n. Plural of anima.
ANIMA n. (Latin) the soul, the innermost part of the personality.
CAMISACAMISA n. (Arabic) a loose shirt or tunic, as worn by Arabs, also CAMESE, CAMISE, CAMISIA, KAMIS.
LAMIASlamias n. Plural of lamia.
LAMIA n. (Greek) a mythical monster with snake's body and woman's head and breasts.
MAFIASmafias n. Plural of mafia.
MAFIA n. (Italian) a secret criminal organization, also MAFFIA.
MANIASmanias n. Plural of mania.
MANIA n. an excessive interest or enthusiasm.
MATAISmatais n. Plural of matai.
MATAI n. (Maori) a coniferous evergreen tree of New Zealand, aka black pine.
MIASMAmiasma n. A noxious atmosphere or emanation once thought to originate from swamps and waste, and to cause disease.
miasma n. (Figurative) A noxious atmosphere or influence, an ominous environment.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
SALAMIsalami n. A large cured meat sausage of Italian origin, served in slices.
salami n. (Baseball) A grand slam.
salami n. (Slang) A penis.
ZAMIASzamias n. Plural of zamia.
ZAMIA n. a genus of cycads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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