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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2A, G, L and N

AGNAILagnail n. (Obsolete) A corn or sore on the toe or finger.
agnail n. Torn skin near a toenail or fingernail.
AGNAIL n. a torn shred of skin beside the nail.
AGONALagonal adj. Of or pertaining to struggle, competition or conflict; of or pertaining to an agon.
agonal adj. Of or pertaining to the pain of death.
AGONAL adj. relating to agon, the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work.
ALANGSALANG n. (Malay) a coarse grass of the Malay peninsula, also LALANG.
ALNAGEalnage n. (Historical) Measurement (of cloth) by the ell, specifically, official inspection and measurement of…
alnage n. (Historical) A duty paid for such measurement.
ALNAGE n. cloth inspection, also AULNAGE.
ANALOGanalog adj. (Of a device or system) In which the value of a data item (such as time) is represented by a continuous(ly)…
analog adj. Not relating to, or pre-dating, digital technology such as computers and the Internet; relating to real life.
analog n. (Countable) Something that bears an analogy to something else.
ANGOLAAngola prop.n. A country in Southern Africa.
Angola prop.n. The Louisiana State Penitentiary.
Angola prop.n. An unincorporated community in Sussex County, Delaware, United States.
ANLAGEanlage n. (Biology) A primordium, the initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a body part develops.
anlage n. (Genetics) An allele, a specific version of a gene (as used by Gregor Mendel).
anlage n. (Psychology) Temperament, the predominant personality type.
GALANTgalant prop.n. (Music) Alternative form of Galant.
Galant prop.n. (Music) Principally during the transition from the Baroque to the Classical period, a few decades either…
GALANT n. (French) an 18th-century style of music characterized by homophony and elaborate ornamentation.
GALENAgalena n. (Mineralogy) A mineral, lead sulphide (PbS), mined as an ore for lead.
galena n. (Medicine, obsolete) A remedy or antidote for poison; theriac.
Galena prop.n. A place name for a number of United States towns and cities.
LAGANSLAGAN n. goods thrown into the sea for future recovery, also LAGEND, LIGAN.
LAGENAlagena n. (Anatomy) The upper part of the cochlear duct.
lagena n. (Anatomy) A similar structure, shaped like a flask, that is a hearing organ in some vertebrates.
lagena n. (Historical) A wine-vase; an amphora.
LAGUNALaguna prop.n. A province of the Philippines. Capital: Santa Cruz. Largest city: Calamba.
LAGUNA n. (Italian) a shallow body of water, also LAGOON, LAGUNE.
LALANGlalang n. (Malaysia) Imperata cylindrica, a panicoid grass.
LALANG n. (Malay) a coarse grass of the Malay archipelago, also ALANG.
LANGARlangar n. (Countable) A public eating-place in South Asia, now especially a communal kitchen run by a Sikh community…
langar n. (Uncountable) The free food served at such a place.
LANGAR n. (Punjabi) a dining hall in a Sikh place of worship.
MANGALmangal n. A mangrove swamp or ecosystem.
mangal n. A Middle Eastern-style barbecue (cookout), or the barbecue (grill; cooking apparatus) it is cooked on.
Mangal prop.n. A surname.
RAGLANraglan adj. (Of a sleeve) Being or having a kind of sleeve that continues in one piece up to the neck of a garment…
raglan n. An overcoat with sleeves of this type.
Raglan prop.n. A village and castle in Monmouthshire, Wales (OS grid ref SO4107).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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