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There are 13 six-letter words containing 2A, E, P and R

APPEARappear v. (Intransitive) To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.
appear v. (Intransitive) To come before the public.
appear v. (Intransitive) To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge…
AREPASarepas n. Plural of arepa.
AREPA n. (Spanish) a usually grilled cornmeal cake served in Latin-American cuisine.
EARLAPearlap n. (Archaic) The ear lobe.
earlap n. A flap connected to headgear to protect the ear (against the cold, or physical harm); an earflap.
EARLAP n. the lobe of the ear.
PARADEparade n. An organized display of a group of people, particularly.
parade n. A place reserved for such displays, particularly.
parade n. The people who make up such a display, particularly.
PARAGEparage n. (Archaic) Lineage, parentage; rank, especially as high or noble.
parage n. A feudal institution that recognizes equality of rights and status between two rulers, and equality…
parage n. A woman’s marriage portion or dowry.
PARERAPARERA n. (Maori) a New Zealand duck with brown-edged grey feathers.
PASEARPASEAR v. to take a walk.
PATERApatera n. A broad, shallow dish used for drinking, primarily in ritual contexts such as libations.
patera n. (Architecture) A circular ornament, resembling a dish, often worked in relief on friezes etc.
patera n. The caldera or crater (dish-shaped depression) atop a volcano, especially an extraterrestrial one; also…
PERAEAperaea n. Plural of peraeon.
Peraea prop.n. Alternative form of Perea.
PERAEON n. (Greek) a crustacean's thorax, also PEREION, PEREON.
PETARApetara n. Alternative form of pitarah.
PETARA n. (Hindi) in India, a travelling box for clothes, also PITARA, PITARAH.
RAPHAEraphae n. Plural of raphe.
RAPHE n. (Greek) a seamlike ridge between two halves or an organ or part, also RHAPHE.
SARAPEsarape n. Alternative spelling of serape.
SARAPE n. (Spanish) a blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by the Spanish Americans, as in Mexico, also SERAPE, ZARAPE.
ZARAPEzarape n. Alternative spelling of serape.
ZARAPE n. (Spanish) a blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by Spanish Americans, also SARAPE, SERAPE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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