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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 9 six-letter words containing 2A, C, L and P

ALPACAalpaca n. A sheep-like animal of the Andes, Vicugna pacos, in the camel family, closely related to the llama…
alpaca n. (Uncountable) Wool from the alpaca.
ALPACA n. a domestic animal related to the llama.
APICALapical adj. Of or connected with the apex.
apical adj. (Botany, of a meristem) Situated at the growing tip of the plant or its roots, in comparison with intercalary…
apical adj. (Phonetics, phonology, of a sound) Produced with the tip of the tongue.
CALPACcalpac n. Alternative spelling of calpack.
CALPAC n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPACK, KALPAC.
CALPAScalpas n. Plural of calpa.
CALPA n. (Sanskrit) one of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years, also KALPA.
CARPALcarpal n. (Anatomy) Any of the eight bones of the wrist (carpus).
carpal adj. Of or pertaining to the carpus.
CARPAL n. a bone in the wrist, also CARPALE.
KALPACKALPAC n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPAC, CALPACK, KALPAK.
PALACEpalace n. Official residence of a head of state or other dignitary, especially in a monarchical or imperial governmental system.
palace n. A large and lavishly ornate residence.
palace n. A large, ornate public building used for entertainment or exhibitions.
PASCALpascal n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of pressure and stress; one newton per square…
Pascal prop.n. (Countable) A male given name from Latin used in medieval England; today occasionally borrowed from French.
Pascal prop.n. (Countable) A surname transferred from the given name.
PAUCALpaucal adj. Characterized by having a small number, greater than two, of (usually equivalent) components.
paucal adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a language form referring to a few of something (three to around ten), as a…
paucal adj. (Linguistics) Expressing a relatively small quantity or degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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