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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing 2A, C, I and R

ACARIDacarid n. (Zoology) Any parasitic arachnid, such as mites and ticks, of the subclass Acarina.
acarid adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to acarids.
ACARID n. a member of the mite or tick family, also ACARIDAN, ACARINE, ACARUS.
ACINARacinar adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or located in an acinus.
ACINAR adj. relating to a sacklike division of a gland, also ACINOSE, ACINIC, ACINOUS.
AGARICagaric n. Any of various fungi, principally of the order Agaricales, having fruiting bodies consisting of umbrella-like…
agaric n. A dried fruiting body of a fungus formerly used in medicine (now Laricifomes officinalis, formerly Fomitopsis…
AGARIC n. a kind of fungus.
AIRVACAIRVAC n. evacuation by air ambulance.
ARABICarabic n. (Rare) Short for gum arabic.
arabic adj. Only used in arabic acid.
Arabic adj. Related to the Arabic language.
ARNICAarnica n. Any of several plants, of the genus Arnica, considered to have medicinal properties, especially Arnica montana.
Arnica prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the arnica plants.
ARNICA n. a tincture obtained from mountain tobacco used for bruises, sprains etc.
CARDIAcardia n. (Anatomy) The area of the stomach which directly receives contents from the esophagus.
Cardia prop.n. A former town in Thrace.
-cardia suff. (Medicine) Heart condition.
CARINAcarina n. A longitudinal ridge or projection like the keel of a boat.
carina n. (Botany) Part of a papilionaceous flower consisting of two petals, commonly united, which encloses the…
carina n. (Zoology) The keel of the breastbone of birds.
CAVIARcaviar n. Roe of the sturgeon or of certain other large fish, considered a delicacy.
caviar n. (Figurative) Something whose flavour is too fine for the vulgar taste.
CAVIAR n. the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIARE, CAVIARIE, CAVIER.
CRANIAcrania n. Plural of cranium.
CRANIUM n. (Latin) the skull.
PICARApicara n. A female picaro.
PICARA n. (Spanish) a (female) rogue.
RACIALracial adj. Of or relating to a race (or a people).
racial n. (Gaming) A skill possessed by all characters of a certain race.
RACIAL adj. pertaining to an ethnic group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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