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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing 2A, B, M and N

AMBANSambans n. Plural of amban.
AMBAN n. (Chinese) a Chinese resident official in a dependency.
AMEBANameban adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling an amoeba.
AMEBAN adj. pertaining to an ameba, also AMOEBAN.
BADMANbadman n. (Historical, US) A violence-prone man who has had run-ins with the law; especially one from the Old…
Badman prop.n. A surname transferred from the nickname.
BADMAN n. an outlaw.
BAGMANbagman n. (Informal) A person who collects, transports, or distributes illicit money, especially for the purpose…
bagman n. An assistant to a police detective, most commonly in the British police force.
bagman n. (Australia, slang) A bookmaker.
BANTAMbantam n. Any of several small chickens, especially of a breed that is a miniature version of another breed.
bantam n. (Sports) A competitor in an age division between peewee and midget.
bantam adj. Small or miniature.
BARMANbarman n. A man who works in a bar.
Barman prop.n. A surname.
BARMAN n. a male bartender.
BATMANbatman n. (Military) A servant or valet to a military officer.
batman n. (By extension, informal) A personal assistant or supporter.
batman v. To act as a batman, wait on an officer.
BAYMANbayman n. (Historical) One of the earliest European settlers of the eventual colony of British Honduras, modern-day Belize.
bayman n. (US, naval) A sickbay nurse.
bayman n. (Newfoundland) A rural Newfoundlander, as opposed to a townie (city dweller).
CABMANcabman n. The driver of a hackney cab.
cabman n. The driver of a taxi.
CABMAN n. a driver of a cab.
MANBAGmanbag n. Alternative spelling of man-bag.
man-bag n. The equivalent of a woman’s small handbag designed for use by men, having compartments for mobile phones etc.
man␣bag n. Alternative form of man-bag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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