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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing A, M, N, P and V

ANTICOMPETITIVEanticompetitive adj. (Economics, business) Acting to hinder or obstruct competition.
anti-competitive adj. Alternative form of anticompetitive.
ANTICOMPETITIVE adj. tending to reduce or discourage competition.
ANTIDEVELOPMENTantidevelopment adj. (Politics) Opposed to development, particularly the development of neighborhoods or land.
ANTIDEVELOPMENT adj. opposed to development.
COMPARATIVENESScomparativeness n. The state or quality of being comparative.
COMPARATIVE n. of the nature of comparison.
CONTEMPLATIVELYcontemplatively adv. In a contemplative manner.
CONTEMPLATIVE adv. related to contemplation.
DEVELOPMENTALLYdevelopmentally adv. In terms of development.
DEVELOPMENTAL adv. relating to development.
EXPERIMENTATIVEexperimentative adj. Experimental; of the nature of experiment.
EXPERIMENTATIVE adj. related to experiment.
GALVANOTROPISMSGALVANOTROPISM n. the directional growth of an organism, esp. a plant, in response to an electrical stimulus.
IMPASSIVENESSESIMPASSIVENESS n. IMPASSIVE, not showing feeling or emotion.
IMPERVIABLENESSimperviableness n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABLE n. not able to be penetrated, also IMPERVIOUS.
IMPLICATIVENESSimplicativeness n. The quality of being implicative.
IMPLICATIVE n. tending to implicate.
IMPROVISATIONALimprovisational adj. Having the nature of an improvisation.
IMPROVISATIONAL adj. relating to improvisation.
MISAPPREHENSIVEmisapprehensive adj. Of or pertaining to misapprehension.
MISAPPREHENSIVE adj. having the nature of a misapprehension.
OVERCOMPENSATEDovercompensated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overcompensate.
OVERCOMPENSATE v. to compensate excessively.
OVERCOMPENSATESovercompensates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcompensate.
OVERCOMPENSATE v. to compensate excessively.
OVEREMPHASISINGoveremphasising v. Present participle of overemphasise.
OVEREMPHASISE v. to emphasise to excess, also OVEREMPHASIZE.
OVEREMPHASIZINGoveremphasizing v. Present participle of overemphasize.
OVEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise to excess, also OVEREMPHASISE.
OVERPROGRAMMINGoverprogramming v. Present participle of overprogram.
overprogramming v. Present participle of overprogramme.
OVERPROGRAM v. to program excessively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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