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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 9 fifteen-letter words containing A, I, M, Q and U

ANTIQUARIANISMSantiquarianisms n. Plural of antiquarianism.
ANTIQUARIANISM n. an interest in antiquarian things.
DEMISEMIQUAVERSdemisemiquavers n. Plural of demisemiquaver.
DEMISEMIQUAVER n. a 1/32 note in music.
EQUALITARIANISMequalitarianism n. Egalitarianism.
EQUALITARIANISM n. belief in equality.
LIQUIDATIONISMSLIQUIDATIONISM n. a theory of economics which holds that governments should not interfere in a recession.
MICROEARTHQUAKEmicroearthquake n. A very low-intensity earthquake, usually three or less on the Richter scale.
MICROEARTHQUAKE n. an earthquake of low intensity.
QUARTERMISTRESSquartermistress n. A female quartermaster.
QUARTERMISTRESS n. a female quartermaster.
QUATTROCENTISMSQUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
SQUEAMISHNESSESsqueamishnesses n. Plural of squeamishness.
SQUEAMISHNESS n. the state of being squeamish.
UBIQUITARIANISMubiquitarianism n. The beliefs of the ubiquitarians.
UBIQUITARIANISM n. the Lutheran doctrine that holds that Christ is no more present in the elements of the Eucharist than elsewhere, as he is present in all places at all times.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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