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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 7 fifteen-letter words containing A, 3C and D

ANTICOINCIDENCEanticoincidence n. (Physics) The occurrence of one event without the simultaneous occurrence of another.
ANTICOINCIDENCE adj. of or relating to an electronic circuit that produces an output pulse if one but not both of its input terminals receives a pulse within a specified interval of time.
CYBERCHONDRIACScyberchondriacs n. Plural of cyberchondriac.
DECALCIFICATIONdecalcification n. The loss of calcium, as from the soil or from teeth or bones.
DECALCIFICATION n. the removal or loss of calcium or calcium compounds (as from bones or soil).
DOLICHOCEPHALICdolichocephalic adj. (Of a person or animal) Having a head that is long from front to back (relative to its width from left to right).
dolichocephalic n. A dolichocephalic person.
DOLICHOCEPHALIC adj. longheaded.
ENCYCLOPAEDICALencyclopaedical adj. Of or pertaining to encyclopaediae.
encyclopædical adj. Archaic spelling of encyclopaedical.
ENCYCLOPAEDICAL adj. of or relating to an encyclopedia; comprehensive; full of information, also ENCYCLOPEDIC, ENCYCLOPEDICAL.
INCANDESCENCIESINCANDESCENCY n. the state of being incandescent, also INCANDESCENCE.
SYNECDOCHICALLYsynecdochically adv. In a synecdochical manner.
SYNECDOCHICAL adv. relating to synecdoche, also SYNECDOCHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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