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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, O, 2U and V

AUTOSUGGESTIVEautosuggestive adj. Employing autosuggestion.
AUTOSUGGEST adj. to influence one's own actions by self-suggestion.
CURVACEOUSNESScurvaceousness n. The state or characteristic of being curvaceous.
CURVACEOUSNESS n. the state of being curvaceous, also CURVACIOUSNESS.
DISADVENTUROUSdisadventurous adj. (Obsolete) Unfortunate; calamitous.
DISADVENTUROUS adj. (obsolete) unfortunate.
FLAVOPURPURINSFLAVOPURPURIN n. a yellow crystalline dye derived from anthraquinone.
MISADVENTUROUSmisadventurous adj. (Obsolete) unfortunate.
MISADVENTUROUS adj. having the nature of a misadventure.
OUTMANEUVERINGoutmaneuvering v. Present participle of outmaneuver.
OUTMANEUVER v. to surpass in maneuvering, also OUTMANOEUVRE.
OUTMANOEUVRINGoutmanoeuvring v. Present participle of outmanoeuvre.
outmanœuvring v. Present participle of outmanœuvre.
OUTMANOEUVRE v. to surpass in manoeuvring, also OUTMANEUVER.
OVERCAUTIOUSLYovercautiously adv. In an overcautious way.
OVERCAUTIOUS adv. excessively cautious.
SANGUINIVOROUSsanguinivorous adj. Subsisting on a diet of blood.
SANGUINIVOROUS adj. drinking blood, also SANGUIVOROUS.
SUOVETAURILIASsuovetaurilias n. Plural of suovetaurilia.
SUOVETAURILIA n. (Latin) a Roman sacrifice of a sheep, pig or ox.
SUPEROVULATINGsuperovulating v. Present participle of superovulate.
SUPEROVULATE v. to produce a larger number of ova than usual, e.g. under stimulus of injected hormones.
SUPEROVULATIONsuperovulation n. The act or process of superovulating.
SUPEROVULATION n. production of exceptional numbers of ova at one time.
UNCHIVALROUSLYunchivalrously adv. In an unchivalrous manner; without chivalry.
UNCHIVALROUS adv. not chivalrous.
UNDERVALUATIONundervaluation n. The act of undervaluing, of assigning too low a value to something.
undervaluation n. An assigned value that is inappropriately low.
UNDERVALUATION n. the act of undervaluing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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