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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, M, S and X

ADMINISTRATRIXadministratrix n. A female administrator.
ADMINISTRATRIX n. a female administrator.
ANNEXATIONISMSANNEXATIONISM n. the policy of annexation.
ANTIHOMOSEXUALantihomosexual adj. Opposed to homosexuality.
antihomosexual n. A person who opposes homosexuality.
ANTIHOMOSEXUAL adj. opposed to homosexuality.
APPROXIMATIONSapproximations n. Plural of approximation.
APPROXIMATION n. the act of drawing together.
AXIOMATISATIONaxiomatisation n. Alternative form of axiomatization.
AXIOMATISATION n. the act of reducing to a system of axioms, also AXIOMATIZATION.
AXISYMMETRICALaxisymmetrical adj. Axisymmetric.
AXISYMMETRICAL adj. symmetrical in respect to an axis, also AXISYMMETRIC.
DEXAMETHASONESdexamethasones n. Plural of dexamethasone.
DEXAMETHASONE n. a synthetic glucocorticoid used esp. as an anti-inflammatory agent.
FLEXITARIANISMflexitarianism n. (US) The practice of eating mainly vegetarian food, but making occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic…
FLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons.
HEXOSAMINIDASEhexosaminidase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal hexosamine residues in hexosaminides.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
PLAGIOCLIMAXESplagioclimaxes n. Plural of plagioclimax.
PLAGIOCLIMAX n. the climax stage of a community, influenced by man or some other outside factor.
PREMAXILLARIESpremaxillaries n. Plural of premaxillary.
PREMAXILLARY n. the premaxilla, a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLA.
REEXAMINATIONSreexaminations n. Plural of reexamination.
reëxaminations n. Plural of reëxamination.
re-examinations n. Plural of re-examination.
SUBMAXILLARIESSUBMAXILLARY n. the submaxillary gland.
SUPRAMAXILLARYsupramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated over the lower jaw.
supramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
supramaxillary n. (Anatomy) The superior maxillary, or upper jawbone.
TRANSEXUALISMSTRANSEXUALISM n. a strong desire to change sex.
TRANSSEXUALISMtranssexualism n. Transsexuality; the state of being transsexual.
TRANSSEXUALISM n. the state of being a transsexual.
XANTHOCHROMIASXANTHOCHROMIA n. any yellowish discoloration, esp. of the cerebrospinal fluid.
XANTHOMELANOUSxanthomelanous adj. (Anthropology, dated) Having yellow, brown, or olive skin and black hair.
XANTHOMELANOUS adj. applied by Huxley to members of the human race with black hair and yellow or olive skins.
XEROPHTHALMIASxerophthalmias n. Plural of xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIA n. extreme dryness of the conjunctive, thought to stem from a vitamin A deficiency, also XEROMA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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