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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, Q, S and 2U

ABSQUATULATEDabsquatulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of absquatulate.
ABSQUATULATE v. to decamp.
ABSQUATULATESabsquatulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of absquatulate.
ABSQUATULATE v. to decamp.
AQUACEUTICALSAQUACEUTICAL n. a method of delivering food supplements.
AQUACULTURISTaquaculturist n. (Agriculture) A person involved in aquaculture.
AQUACULTURIST n. one who practises aquaculture.
AQUICULTURISTaquiculturist n. Alternative spelling of aquaculturist.
AQUICULTURIST n. one who practises aquiculture.
AUTOCRITIQUESautocritiques n. Plural of autocritique.
AUTOCRITIQUE n. (French) self-criticism, esp. political.
EQUISETACEOUSequisetaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Equisetaceae, or horsetails.
EQUISETACEOUS adj. pertaining to the horsetail family.
GRANDILOQUOUSgrandiloquous adj. Grandiloquent.
GRANDILOQUOUS adj. (archaic) grandiloquent, also GRANDILOQUENT.
HARQUEBUSIERSharquebusiers n. Plural of harquebusier.
HARQUEBUSIER n. a soldier armed with an arquebus.
MOUSQUETAIRESmousquetaires n. Plural of mousquetaire.
MOUSQUETAIRE n. (French) a French musketeer; a kind of woman's cloak.
QUADRIENNIUMSQUADRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRENNIUM.
QUADRIFARIOUSquadrifarious adj. (Botany) Arranged in four rows or ranks.
QUADRIFARIOUS adj. arranged in four close-set rows along the stem.
QUARTZIFEROUSquartziferous adj. Yielding or containing quartz.
QUARTZIFEROUS adj. bearing quartz.
QUINQUENNIADSquinquenniads n. Plural of quinquenniad.
QUINQUENNIAD n. a period of five years, also QUINQUENNIUM.
QUINQUENNIALSquinquennials n. Plural of quinquennial.
QUINQUENNIAL n. an anniversary recurring every five years.
SUBEQUATORIALsubequatorial adj. (Geography) Belonging to a region adjacent to an equatorial area.
SUBEQUATORIAL adj. below the equator.
SUBSEQUENTIALsubsequential adj. Subsequent.
subsequential adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a subsequence.
SUBSEQUENTIAL adj. subsequent.
UBIQUITARIANSubiquitarians n. Plural of ubiquitarian.
UBIQUITARIAN n. one who believes that Christ's body is everywhere, not just in the Eucharist.
UNNILQUADIUMSUNNILQUADIUM n. a former name of the transuranic element rutherfordium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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