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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, H, K and 2N

ANTIHIJACKINGantihijacking adj. Opposing or countering hijacking.
BENCHMARKINGSbenchmarkings n. Plural of benchmarking.
BENCHMARKING n. the process of testing by a benchmark.
BRINKMANSHIPSbrinkmanships n. Plural of brinkmanship.
BRINKMANSHIP n. the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety esp. to force a desired outcome, also BRINKSMANSHIP.
BRINKSMANSHIPbrinksmanship n. Alternative form of brinkmanship.
BRINKSMANSHIP n. the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety esp. to force a desired outcome, also BRINKMANSHIP.
HALIPLANKTONSHALIPLANKTON n. plankton living in sea water.
HOLOPLANKTONSHOLOPLANKTON n. organisms which remain as plankton throughout their whole life cycle.
KNAVISHNESSESKNAVISHNESS n. the quality of being knavish.
NONSHRINKABLEnonshrinkable adj. Synonym of unshrinkable.
NONSHRINKABLE adj. not shrinkable.
PHYTOPLANKTONphytoplankton n. Plankton, especially those small in size, that obtain energy by photosynthesis.
PHYTOPLANKTON n. vegetable plankton, that includes diatoms, desmids, and dinoflagellates.
SCRIMSHANKINGscrimshanking v. Present participle of scrimshank.
SCRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SKRIMSHANK.
SHRINKFLATIONshrinkflation n. (Economics, informal, neologism) The practice of making products smaller while continuing to market…
SHRINKFLATION n. a reduction in the size of an item of packaged food, such as a chocolate bar, while the price remains the same.
SKRIMSHANKINGskrimshanking v. Present participle of skrimshank.
SKRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SCRIMSHANK.
SNAKISHNESSESSNAKISHNESS n. the state of being snakish.
SPINDLESHANKSspindleshanks n. (Archaic, derogatory) A thin, lanky person with long legs.
SPINDLESHANKS n. long thin legs; a person who has these, also SPINDLELEGS.
STICKHANDLINGstickhandling v. Present participle of stickhandle.
stickhandling n. (Ice hockey, field hockey, lacrosse) Skillful manipulation of the puck or ball with a player’s stick…
STICKHANDLING n. the act of manoeuvring (the puck) deftly in ice hockey.
THANKLESSNESSthanklessness n. The property of being thankless.
THANKLESSNESS n. the state of being thankless.
THANKSGIVINGSthanksgivings n. Plural of thanksgiving.
THANKSGIVING n. the act of giving thanks.
THINKABLENESSthinkableness n. The property of being thinkable.
THINKABLENESS n. the state of being thinkable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 194 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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