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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, 2F and U

BUFFALOFISHESbuffalo␣fishes n. Plural of buffalo fish.
BUFFALOFISH n. a fish of the Mississippi valley.
CANDLESNUFFERcandlesnuffer n. Alternative form of candle snuffer.
candle␣snuffer n. A device made to extinguish (snuff out) a candle.
CANDLESNUFFER n. an implement for snuffing candles that consists of a small hollow cone attached to a handle.
EFFECTUALNESSeffectualness n. The state or condition of being effectual.
EFFECTUALNESS n. the state of being effectual.
EFFECTUATIONSeffectuations n. Plural of effectuation.
EFFECTUATION n. the act of effectuating.
EFFICACIOUSLYefficaciously adv. In an efficacious manner.
EFFICACIOUS adv. having the power to produce a desired effect.
EFFIGURATIONSEFFIGURATION n. an elaborate, detailed description of an object or an event.
EXSUFFLATIONSexsufflations n. Plural of exsufflation.
EXSUFFLATION n. expiration; exorcism by blowing.
FATEFULNESSESFATEFULNESS n. the state of being fateful.
FEARFULNESSESfearfulnesses n. Plural of fearfulness.
FEARFULNESS n. the state of being fearful.
FENFLURAMINESfenfluramines n. Plural of fenfluramine.
INEFFECTUALLYineffectually adv. In an ineffectual manner.
INEFFECTUAL adv. not producing the proper or intended effect.
INEFFICACIOUSinefficacious adj. Incapable of having the intended consequence.
inefficacious adj. Not effective.
INEFFICACIOUS adj. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
QUARTERSTAFFSquarterstaffs n. Plural of quarterstaff.
quarter-staffs n. Plural of quarter-staff.
QUARTERSTAFF n. a long wooden pole with an iron tip, an old weapon of defence.
SHUFFLEBOARDSshuffleboards n. Plural of shuffleboard.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SUFFRAGETTISMsuffragettism n. The suffragette movement for women’s voting rights.
SUFFRAGETTISM n. belief in the aims of the suffragette.
TUFFTAFFETIESTUFFTAFFETY n. (obsolete) a taffeta with a tufted pile, also TUFFTAFFETA, TUFTAFFETA, TUFTAFFETY.
UNDERSTAFFINGunderstaffing v. Present participle of understaff.
understaffing n. The situation of having insufficient members of staff.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.
UNFALSIFIABLEunfalsifiable adj. (Of a statement or argument) Not able to be proven false, but not necessarily true.
unfalsifiable n. A statement or argument that cannot be proven false, but is not necessarily true.
UNFALSIFIABLE adj. not capable of being proved false.
UNFULFILLABLEunfulfillable adj. Not fulfillable.
UNFULFILLABLE adj. not capable of being fulfilled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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