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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, F, G and L

DECLASSIFYINGdeclassifying v. Present participle of declassify.
DECLASSIFY v. to remove or reduce the security classification of.
DEFEUDALISINGdefeudalising v. Present participle of defeudalise.
DEFEUDALISE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALIZE.
DEFEUDALIZINGdefeudalizing v. Present participle of defeudalize.
DEFEUDALIZE v. to deprive of feudal character, also DEFEUDALISE.
DEFLAGRATIONSdeflagrations n. Plural of deflagration.
DEFLAGRATION n. the rapid burning away of anything in a destructive fire.
DEFORMALIZINGdeformalizing v. Present participle of deformalize.
DEFORMALIZE v. to make less formal, also DEFORMALISE.
DESULFURATINGdesulfurating v. Present participle of desulfurate.
DESULFURATE v. to remove the sulphur from.
DISGRACEFULLYdisgracefully adv. In a disgraceful manner.
DISGRACEFUL adv. bringing or involving disgrace.
DISQUALIFYINGdisqualifying v. Present participle of disqualify.
DISQUALIFY v. to debar.
FARTHINGLANDSfarthinglands n. Plural of farthingland.
FARTHINGLAND n. a varying area of land.
FAULTFINDINGSfaultfindings n. Plural of faultfinding.
FAULTFINDING n. the act of finding fault.
FLABBERGASTEDflabbergasted adj. Appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted.
flabbergasted adj. (Euphemistic, rare) Damned.
flabbergasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of flabbergast.
GLADFULNESSESGLADFULNESS n. (archaic) the quality of being gladful.
GRANDFATHERLYgrandfatherly adj. In the manner of a grandfather.
grandfatherly adj. Having the characteristics of a grandfather.
GRANDFATHERLY adj. like a grandfather.
INDEFATIGABLEindefatigable adj. Extremely persistent and untiring.
INDEFATIGABLE adj. incapable of being fatigued.
INDEFATIGABLYindefatigably adv. In an extremely persistent and untiring manner; in an indefatigable manner.
INDEFATIGABLE adv. incapable of being fatigued.
REGARDFULNESSregardfulness n. The quality of being regardful.
REGARDFUL n. heedful; observant.
UNFEUDALISINGunfeudalising v. Present participle of unfeudalise.
UNFEUDALISE v. to deprive of a feudal character, also UNFEUDALIZE.
UNFEUDALIZINGunfeudalizing v. Present participle of unfeudalize.
UNFEUDALIZE v. to deprive of a feudal character, also UNFEUDALISE.
WATERFLOODINGwaterflooding v. Present participle of waterflood.
WATERFLOODING n. the practice, in oil, gas or petroleum production, of injecting water to maintain pressure in a reservoir and to drive the oil, etc. towards the production wells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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