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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 9 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, D, P and V

DEPRECATIVELYdeprecatively adv. In an deprecating manner; in a manner that deprecates.
DEPRECATIVE adv. serving to deprecate.
DISPURVEYANCEdispurveyance n. (Obsolete, rare) Lack of provisions.
DISPURVEYANCE n. (Spenser) depriving of provisions.
IMPREDICATIVEimpredicative adj. (Logic, of a proposition) definable only in terms of a totality of which it is itself a part.
IMPREDICATIVE adj. of a definition, given in terms that require quantification over a range that includes that which is to be defined.
PREDICATIVELYpredicatively adv. As a predicate; giving information about the subject of a sentence.
PREDICATIVE adv. indicating the predicate.
PREJUDICATIVEprejudicative adj. Forming a judgment without due examination; prejudging.
PREJUDICATIVE adj. prejudging.
PRIVATDOCENTSprivatdocents n. Plural of privatdocent.
privat-docents n. Plural of privat-docent.
PRIVATDOCENT n. (German) in German universities, a recognized teacher who is not a member of the salaried staff, also PRIVATDOZENT.
REDUPLICATIVEreduplicative adj. Formed by redoubling; reduplicate, double.
reduplicative n. (Grammar) A word obtained by the process of reduplication.
REDUPLICATIVE adj. relating to reduplication.
VELOCIPEDEANSvelocipedeans n. Plural of velocipedean.
VELOCIPEDEAN n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDER, VELOCIPEDIAN, VELOCIPEDIST.
VELOCIPEDIANSvelocipedians n. Plural of velocipedian.
VELOCIPEDIAN n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDEAN, VELOCIPEDER, VELOCIPEDIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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