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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, H, N and 2Y

ACRONYCHALLYACRONYCHAL adv. occurring at nightfall or sunset (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONICAL, ACRONYCAL.
CALYCANTHEMYCALYCANTHEMY n. the condition of having the calyx like a corolla.
CYANOHYDRINScyanohydrins n. Plural of cyanohydrin.
CYANOHYDRIN n. any of various compounds containing both cyano and hydroxyl groups.
HYDRODYNAMIChydrodynamic adj. (Physics) Of, or relating to the science of hydrodynamics.
hydrodynamic adj. Operated by the force of water in motion.
HYDRODYNAMIC adj. of, relating to, or involving principles of hydrodynamics, also HYDRODYNAMICAL.
HYDRONICALLYhydronically adv. In terms of, or by means of, hydronics.
HYDRONIC adv. pertaining to heating and cooling by water.
HYGIENICALLYhygienically adv. In a hygienic manner.
hygienically adv. In relation to hygiene.
HYGIENIC adv. relating to hygiene.
HYMENOPLASTYhymenoplasty n. (Medicine) Plastic surgery affecting a woman’s hymen, usually involving reconstruction to the unbroken…
HYMENOPLASTY n. surgical reconstruction of the hymen to give the appearance of virginity, usually for religious or cultural reasons.
HYOSCYAMINEShyoscyamines n. Plural of hyoscyamine.
HYOSCYAMINE n. a drug obtained from henbane.
HYPNOTHERAPYhypnotherapy n. Treatment of disease by means of hypnotism.
HYPNOTHERAPY n. therapy involving the use of hypnotism.
HYPNOTICALLYhypnotically adv. In a hypnotic manner.
hypnotically adv. By using hypnotism.
HYPNOTIC adv. relating to hypnosis.
HYPOPHRYGIANhypophrygian adj. (Music) Of or relating to a musical mode or diatonic scale in medieval chant theory, the fourth mode…
hypophrygian n. (Music) The hypophrygian mode.
Hypophrygian adj. Alternative form of hypophrygian.
LARYNGOPHONYlaryngophony n. The sound of the voice as heard through a stethoscope placed upon the larynx.
LARYNGOPHONY n. the sound of the voice as heard through the stethoscope applied over the larynx.
PHARYNGOLOGYpharyngology n. (Medicine) The science that studies the pharynx and treatment of its diseases.
PHARYNGOLOGY n. the study of the throat.
PHARYNGOTOMYpharyngotomy n. (Surgery) The operation of making an incision into the pharynx, to remove a tumour or anything that…
pharyngotomy n. Scarification or incision of the tonsils.
PHARYNGOTOMY n. the surgical removal of the pharynx.
PHYCOCYANINSphycocyanins n. Plural of phycocyanin.
PHYCOCYANIN n. any of various bluish-green protein pigments in the cells of cyanobacteria.
SYNAPOMORPHYsynapomorphy n. (Cladistics) A derived trait that is shared by two or more taxa of shared ancestry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 116 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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