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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, F, H and 2L

DOLLARFISHESdollarfishes n. Plural of dollarfish.
DOLLARFISH n. any of various fishes that have a rounded compressed silvery body, esp. the moonfishes or the American butterfish.
FATHOMLESSLYfathomlessly adv. In a fathomless manner, to a fathomless degree.
FATHOMLESS adv. incapable of being fathomed.
FLANNELGRAPHflannelgraph n. A board covered with flannel fabric used as a backdrop when telling stories to children, the characters…
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
FOTHERGILLASFOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
GESELLSCHAFTGesellschaft n. (Sociology) A hypothetical mode of society, made up of self-serving individuals linked by impersonal…
GESELLSCHAFT n. (German) a rationally developed mechanistic type of social relationship characterized by impersonally contracted associations between persons.
HALFWITTEDLYhalfwittedly adv. In a halfwitted manner.
HALFWITTED adv. feebleminded.
HALLEFLINTASHALLEFLINTA n. (Swedish) a dense rock containing quartz and feldspar.
HORRIFICALLYhorrifically adv. In a horrific manner.
HORRIFIC adv. causing horror.
LEATHERLEAFSleatherleafs n. Plural of leatherleaf.
leather␣leafs n. Plural of leather leaf.
LEATHERLEAF n. an ericaceous bog shrub with coriaceous leaves.
LOATHFULNESSloathfulness n. (Rare) The condition of being loathful; reluctance.
LOATHFULNESS n. the state of being loathful.
MULTIFLASHESSorry, definition not available.
SHELFTALKERSshelf-talkers n. Plural of shelf-talker.
SHELFTALKER n. a marketing device, e.g. a notice or mini-poster, attached to a shelf in a shop, to promote a specific product.
THANKFULLESTthankfullest adj. Superlative form of thankful: most thankful.
THANKFUL adj. grateful.
UNFAITHFULLYunfaithfully adv. In an unfaithful manner.
UNFAITHFUL adv. not faithful.
UNTHANKFULLYunthankfully adv. In an unthankful way; ungratefully.
UNTHANKFUL adv. not thankful.
UNWATCHFULLYunwatchfully adv. In an unwatchful manner.
UNWATCHFUL adv. not watchful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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