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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, C, M, O and X

AMOXICILLINSamoxicillins n. Plural of amoxicillin.
AMOXICILLIN n. an antibiotic drug, a type of semisynthetic penicillin, also AMOXYCILLIN.
AMOXYCILLINSamoxycillins n. Plural of amoxycillin.
AMOXYCILLIN n. an antibiotic drug, a type of semisynthetic penicillin, also AMOXICILLIN.
AXINOMANCIESAXINOMANCY n. divination using an axe or hatchet.
CHEMOTAXISESCHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
COMPLEXATIONcomplexation n. (Chemistry) The formation of a complex.
COMPLEXATION n. a complex.
COMPLEXIONALcomplexional adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to one’s physical composition; constitutional.
complexional adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to one’s mental disposition; temperamental.
complexional adj. Pertaining to the complexion of the skin.
CYTOTAXONOMYcytotaxonomy n. (Taxonomy) The classification of organisms based upon their cellular structure and function, and especially…
CYTOTAXONOMY n. the classification of organisms based on cell structure, esp. the number, shape, etc., of the chromosomes.
EXCLAMATIONSexclamations n. Plural of exclamation.
EXCLAMATION n. a sharp or sudden utterance.
EXOPHTHALMICexophthalmic adj. Of, or relating to exophthalmos.
exophthalmic adj. Having prominent eyeballs.
EXOPHTHALMIC adj. pertaining to or marked by protrusion of eyeball.
HAEMATOXYLICHAEMATOXYLIC adj. of or like haematoxylin.
LOXODROMICALloxodromical adj. Synonym of loxodromic.
LOXODROMICAL adj. pertaining to sailing on rhumb lines, also LOXODROMIC.
MIXOBARBARICmixo-barbaric adj. (Archaic) Mixed with barbarous elements.
MIXOBARBARIC adj. part barbaric, part Greek.
PLAGIOCLIMAXplagioclimax n. An altered or reduced climax of a plant ecosystem caused by human activity.
PLAGIOCLIMAX n. the climax stage of a community, influenced by man or some other outside factor.
TOXICOMANIAStoxicomanias n. Plural of toxicomania.
TOXICOMANIA n. a morbid craving for poisons.
XERODERMATICxerodermatic adj. Exhibiting or relating to xeroderma.
XERODERMATIC adj. relating to xeroderma, dryness of skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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