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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, B, L, R and W

BALLANWRASSEBALLANWRASSE n. a species of wrasse, also BALLAN.
BLADDERWORTSbladderworts n. Plural of bladderwort.
BLADDERWORT n. a kind of seaweed.
BLADDERWRACKbladderwrack n. Fucus vesiculosus, a seaweed in which iodine was first discovered.
bladder␣wrack n. Fucus vesiculosus, seaweed widespread in the cool waters of the Atlantic and Pacific.
bladder␣wrack n. Nereocystis luetkeana, kelp common on the northeastern Pacific coast.
BRIDEWEALTHSbridewealths n. Plural of bridewealth.
bride-wealths n. Plural of bride-wealth.
bride␣wealths n. Plural of bride wealth.
FOREKNOWABLEforeknowable adj. That may be known in advance.
FOREKNOWABLE adj. that can be known in advance.
GLASSBLOWERSglassblowers n. Plural of glassblower.
GLASSBLOWER n. one who blows glass.
LAWBREAKINGSlawbreakings n. Plural of lawbreaking.
LAWBREAKING n. the act of breaking the law.
MICROWAVABLEmicrowavable adj. Suitable for heating in a microwave oven; said of food and non-food items, especially containers.
MICROWAVABLE adj. capable of being microwaved, also MICROWAVEABLE.
NONRENEWABLEnonrenewable adj. Not able to be renewed; incapable of renewal.
nonrenewable adj. (With respect to a resource) unsustainable; not able to be regrown or renewed; not having an ongoing…
nonrenewable n. A resource that is not renewable.
RENEWABILITYrenewability n. The property of being renewable.
RENEWABILITY n. the state of being renewable.
SWASHBUCKLERswashbuckler n. A swordsman or fencer who engages in showy or extravagant sword play.
swashbuckler n. A daring adventurer.
swashbuckler n. A kind of period adventure story with flashy action and lighthearted tone.
UNANSWERABLEunanswerable adj. Not answerable; impossible to answer.
unanswerable adj. Impossible to dispute or rebut; irrefutable; conclusive.
unanswerable n. Something that cannot be answered.
UNANSWERABLYunanswerably adv. In an unanswerable manner; beyond refutation.
UNANSWERABLE adv. not capable of being answered.
UNREVIEWABLEunreviewable adj. Not able to be reviewed, or not subject to review.
UNREVIEWABLE adj. not reviewable.
WALDSTERBENSWALDSTERBEN n. (German) disease and death in forest trees and vegetation as a result of atmospheric pollution.
WALLCLIMBERSWALLCLIMBER n. a glass-walled elevator whose shaft is on the exterior wall of a building.
WEBLIOGRAPHYwebliography n. A list of electronic documents or websites that relate to a particular subject, especially one used…
WEBLIOGRAPHY n. a list of items published on the internet, esp. one indicating sources used in the preparation of a book or academic paper.
WHEELBARROWSwheelbarrows n. Plural of wheelbarrow.
wheel-barrows n. Plural of wheel-barrow.
WHEELBARROW n. a barrow with one wheel in front and two handles and legs behind, also HURLBARROW.
WITHDRAWABLEwithdrawable adj. Capable of being withdrawn.
WITHDRAWABLE adj. capable of being withdrawn.
WORKABLENESSworkableness n. The quality or state of being workable, or the extent to which a thing is workable.
WORKABLENESS n. the state of being workable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 249 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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