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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, B, 2G and T

AGGLUTINABLEagglutinable adj. Able to be agglutinated; that readily undergoes agglutination.
AGGLUTINABLE adj. able to be agglutinated.
ANTIGAMBLINGantigambling adj. Acting against or opposing gambling.
ANTIGAMBLING adj. opposed to gambling.
BACKLIGHTINGbacklighting v. Present participle of backlight.
backlighting n. The illumination of a photographic subject from the rear, causing edges to glow while other areas remain in shadow.
BACKLIGHT v. to illumine a subject from the rear.
BILLINGSGATEbillingsgate n. Profane, abusive language; coarse words.
billingsgate v. (Transitive) To use abusive language towards.
BILLINGSGATE n. coarsely abusive language.
BRAGGARTISMSbraggartisms n. Plural of braggartism.
BRAGGARTISM n. boastfulness.
BRAGGARTLIERBRAGGARTLY adj. like a braggart, boastful.
CARPETBAGGEDcarpetbagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of carpetbag.
CARPETBAG v. to engage in political chicanery.
CARPETBAGGERcarpetbagger n. (Politics, history, chiefly US, offensive) A migrant from the Northern to the Southern States after…
carpetbagger n. (Derogatory, by extension) One who comes to a place or organisation with which they have no previous…
carpet␣bagger n. Alternative spelling of carpetbagger.
CONGLOBATINGconglobating v. Present participle of conglobate.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
GARBOLOGISTSgarbologists n. Plural of garbologist.
GARBOLOGIST n. a person who studies a society's waste materials.
MORTGAGEABLEmortgageable adj. That can be mortgaged.
MORTGAGEABLE adj. that can be mortgaged.
RATBAGGERIESratbaggeries n. Plural of ratbaggery.
RATBAGGERY n. nonsense, eccentricity.
SUBAGGREGATEsubaggregate n. A secondary or subsidiary aggregate.
SUBAGGREGATE n. part of an aggregate.
TARBOGGININGtarboggining v. Present participle of tarboggin.
TARBOGGIN v. to sledge on a tarboggin, also TABOGGAN, TOBOGGAN, TOBOGGIN.
TOBOGGANINGStobogganings n. Plural of tobogganing.
TOBOGGANING n. the sport of sledging by toboggan.
TOBOGGANISTStobogganists n. Plural of tobogganist.
TOBOGGANIST n. one who uses a toboggan, also TOBOGGANER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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