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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, U and V

ADVANTAGEOUSadvantageous adj. Being of advantage, beneficial.
ADVANTAGEOUS adj. giving an advantage.
AUGMENTATIVEaugmentative adj. Growing, enlarging, increasing.
augmentative n. (Grammar) A form of word that expresses large size, intensity, or seniority.
AUGMENTATIVE adj. serving to augment.
AUTOGRAVURESautogravures n. Plural of autogravure.
AUTOGRAVURE n. a process of photoengraving similar to autotype.
BOUGAINVILIAbougainvilia n. Alternative spelling of bougainvillea.
DISAVAUNCINGdisavauncing v. Present participle of disavaunce.
DISAVAUNCE v. (Spenser) to retard; to repel, also DISADVANCE.
EVANGELARIUMEVANGELARIUM n. a book containing passages from the gospels to be used as part of the liturgy, also EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARIUM, EVANGELIARY.
LABOURSAVINGLABOURSAVING adj. reducing (human) effort, hard work, or labour, also LABORSAVING.
MARIVAUDAGESmarivaudages n. Plural of marivaudage.
MARIVAUDAGE n. preciosity in literary style or expression.
MULTIGRAVIDAmultigravida n. A pregnant woman who has had at least two previous pregnancies.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
QUACKSALVINGquacksalving adj. Falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, like a quacksalver.
QUACKSALVING adj. (obsolete) like a quacksalver, a charlatan.
REEVALUATINGreevaluating v. Present participle of reevaluate.
reëvaluating v. Present participle of reëvaluate.
re-evaluating v. Present participle of re-evaluate.
TRANSVALUINGtransvaluing v. Present participle of transvalue.
TRANSVALUE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUATE.
UNAVAILINGLYunavailingly adv. In an unavailing manner; without successful results; to no avail.
UNAVAILING adv. not availing.
UNVARIEGATEDunvariegated adj. Not variegated.
UNVARIEGATED adj. not variegated.
UNVOYAGEABLEunvoyageable adj. Not voyageable.
UNVOYAGEABLE adj. not voyageable.
VANGUARDISMSvanguardisms n. Plural of vanguardism.
VANGUARDISM n. the condition of being or practice of positioning oneself as or within the vanguard of a movement, esp. political.
VANGUARDISTSvanguardists n. Plural of vanguardist.
VANGUARDIST n. a practitioner of vanguardism.
VULVOVAGINALvulvovaginal adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the vulva and vagina.
VULVOVAGINAL adj. relating to the area of the vulva and vagina.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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