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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, C and F

BASIFICATIONbasification n. (Chemistry) The act or process of making something more basic; raising the pH of something.
BASIFICATION n. the process of basifying.
BEATIFICALLYbeatifically adv. In a beatific manner.
BEATIFICAL adv. making supremely happy, also BEATIFIC.
CLASSIFIABLEclassifiable adj. Able to be classified.
CLASSIFIABLE adj. capable of being classified.
CONFABULATEDconfabulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of confabulate.
CONFABULATE v. to chat; to invent past experiences.
CONFABULATESconfabulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of confabulate.
CONFABULATE v. to chat; to invent past experiences.
CONFABULATORconfabulator n. One who confabulates.
CONFABULATOR n. one who confabulates.
FABRICATIONSfabrications n. Plural of fabrication.
FABRICATION n. the act of fabricating.
FIBROSARCOMAfibrosarcoma n. (Oncology) A fibroblastic sarcoma: a malignant tumor derived from fibrous connective tissue.
FIBROSARCOMA n. a sarcoma formed of spindle-shaped cells in collagenous fibrils.
FLAMBOYANCESflamboyances n. Plural of flamboyance.
FLAMBOYANCE n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCY.
FLASHBACKINGflashbacking v. Present participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
FORBEARANCESforbearances n. Plural of forbearance.
FORBEARANCE n. tolerance.
FORECASTABLEforecastable adj. Capable of being forecast; predictable.
FORECASTABLE adj. that can be forecast.
FRANCOPHOBIAFrancophobia n. The hatred or fear of France, its people and culture.
Francophobia n. The hatred or fear of the presence of the French language and its native speakers.
FRANCOPHOBIA n. fear of France or the French.
INEFFACEABLEineffaceable adj. Incapable of being effaced.
INEFFACEABLE adj. not effaceable.
INEFFACEABLYineffaceably adv. In an ineffaceable manner; in a manner that cannot be removed or erased.
INEFFACEABLE adv. not effaceable.
PREFABRICATEprefabricate v. (Transitive) To manufacture (A building, etc.) in standard components that can be fitted together on site.
PREFABRICATE v. to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.
SANCTIFIABLEsanctifiable adj. That can be sanctified.
SANCTIFIABLE adj. able to be sanctified.
SUBFACTORIALsubfactorial n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) The result of deranging a number. In equations, it is usually symbolised…
SUBFACTORIAL n. something below a factorial.
TABEFACTIONStabefactions n. Plural of tabefaction.
TABEFACTION n. wasting away, emaciation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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