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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, F, P, T and U

AFTERSUPPERAFTERSUPPER n. the time between supper and bedtime.
DISPATCHFULdispatchful adj. Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task.
DISPATCHFUL adj. (Milton) swift.
FOETIPAROUSfoetiparous adj. Alternative form of fetiparous.
FOETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FETIPAROUS.
GRAPEFRUITSgrapefruits n. Plural of grapefruit.
GRAPEFRUIT n. a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes.
PAINFULLESTpainfullest adj. Superlative form of painful: most painful.
PAINFUL adj. causing pain.
PERSULFATESpersulfates n. Plural of persulfate.
PERSULFATE n. a sulphuric acid salt of a base peroxide, also PERSULPHATE.
PLATTERFULSplatterfuls n. Plural of platterful.
PLATTERFUL n. the contents of a platter.
PLATTERSFULplattersful n. Plural of platterful.
PLATTERFUL n. the contents of a platter.
PLOUGHSTAFFploughstaff n. (UK) The hind part or handle of a plough.
PLOUGHSTAFF n. one of the handles of a plough, also PLOWSTAFF.
PREFECTURALprefectural adj. Of, pertaining to or at the level of a prefecture.
PREFECTURAL adj. relating to a prefecture.
PREFIGURATEprefigurate v. (Transitive) To prefigure.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
PUFTALOONASPUFTALOON n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOONIES.
PURIFICATORpurificator n. One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
purificator n. (Christianity) The napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice during Holy Communion.
PURIFICATOR n. a cloth used to wipe the Eucharist chalice.
PUTREFIABLEputrefiable adj. Capable of being putrefied.
PUTREFIABLE adj. capable of putrefying.
SUPERFATTEDsuperfatted adj. Having been subjected to a superfatting treatment.
SUPERFATTED adj. of soap, having an excess of fat, so that there is no free alkali.
SUPERFECTASsuperfectas n. Plural of superfecta.
SUPERFECTA n. a bet in which the bettor must pick the first four winners of a race in the correct order.
SUPERFETATEsuperfetate v. To conceive after a prior conception, but before the birth of the offspring.
SUPERFETATE v. to conceive when a fetus is already in the uterus.
SUPERSAFETYsupersafety n. The state or condition of being supersafe; exceptional safety.
SUPERSAFETY n. the state of being supersafe.
TEASPOONFULteaspoonful n. A unit of capacity equal to the amount a teaspoon can hold which is taken approximately as 5 ml.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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