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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, F, I, Q and U

AQUAFARMINGaquafarming n. (Agriculture) aquaculture.
AQUAFARMING n. marine farming.
AQUAFITNESSaquafitness n. Water aerobics, typically preceded or followed by stretching exercises.
AQUAFITNESS n. fitness obtained through water-based exercise.
AQUAFORTISTaquafortist n. One who prepares etchings or engravings using aqua fortis.
AQUAFORTIST n. an etcher or engraver who uses aquafortis.
EQUIFINALLYEQUIFINAL adv. having the same result.
LIQUEFIABLEliquefiable adj. Able to be liquefied.
LIQUEFIABLE adj. that can be liquefied, also LIQUIFIABLE.
LIQUIFIABLELIQUIFIABLE adj. capable of being liquefied, also LIQUEFIABLE.
QUALIFIABLEqualifiable adj. Able to become qualified for something.
qualifiable adj. Able to be modified, limited or restricted.
QUALIFIABLE adj. that can be qualified.
QUALIFIEDLYqualifiedly adv. With qualification; conditionally.
QUALIFIED adv. QUALIFY, to be eligible after having the necessary requirements.
QUALIFYINGSqualifyings n. Plural of qualifying.
QUALIFYING n. the act of qualifying.
QUANTIFIERSquantifiers n. Plural of quantifier.
QUANTIFIER n. one that quantifies.
QUANTIFYINGquantifying v. Present participle of quantify.
QUANTIFY v. to determine the quantity of.
QUARTERLIFEquarterlife adj. Of or relating to an age between twenty and twenty-nine years old.
QUARTERLIFE adj. designating the period of life immediately following the major changes of adolescence, usually early twenties to early thirties.
QUATREFOILSquatrefoils n. Plural of quatrefoil.
QUATREFOIL n. a four-petalled flower or leaf of four leaflets; an openwork design or ornament divided by cusps into four lobes, also QUATREFEUILLE.
REQUALIFIEDrequalified v. Simple past tense and past participle of requalify.
REQUALIFY v. to qualify again.
REQUALIFIESrequalifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of requalify.
REQUALIFY v. to qualify again.
SQUAWFISHESsquawfishes n. Plural of squawfish.
SQUAWFISH n. a large cyprinid fish of North America.
UNQUALIFIEDunqualified adj. Not qualified, ineligible, unfit for a position or task.
unqualified adj. Not elaborated upon, or not accompanied by restrictions or qualification; undescribed.
unqualified adj. Outright; thorough; utter.
UNQUALIFIESunqualifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unqualify.
UNQUALIFY v. to disqualify; to unfit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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