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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, T, W and Y

BLAMEWORTHYblameworthy adj. Deserving blame or censure; reprehensible.
blame-worthy adj. Obsolete form of blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of censure.
BREADTHWAYSbreadthways adv. Breadthwise.
BREADTHWAYS adv. in terms of breadth, broadside on, also BREADTHWISE.
ENTRANCEWAYentranceway n. Something that provides access to an entrance; an entryway.
ENTRANCEWAY n. an entrance.
FLYSWATTERSflyswatters n. Plural of flyswatter.
fly␣swatters n. Plural of fly swatter.
FLYSWATTER n. a device for killing insects that consists of a flat piece of perforated rubber or plastic or fine-mesh wire netting attached to a handle.
GRAYWETHERSgraywethers n. Plural of graywether.
GRAYWETHER n. a sandstone boulder of South England, also GREYWETHER.
HEAVYWEIGHTheavyweight n. A very large, heavy, or impressive person.
heavyweight n. (Uncountable, boxing) The professional boxing weight class for boxers weighing more than 190 pounds;…
heavyweight n. (Uncountable, by extension) A similar division and contestant in other sports.
LAWYERLIESTLAWYERLY adj. like, or becoming, a lawyer.
OUTWEARYINGoutwearying v. Present participle of outweary.
OUTWEARY v. to weary out.
SHAMEWORTHYshameworthy adj. Worthy of shame; shameful.
SHAMEWORTHY adj. worthy of shame.
SKYWATCHERSskywatchers n. Plural of skywatcher.
STEERAGEWAYsteerageway n. (Nautical) The minimum speed of a ship, below which it does not answer the helm and cannot be steered.
STEERAGEWAY n. a rate of motion sufficient to make a ship or boat respond to movements of the rudder.
TELPHERWAYStelpherways n. Plural of telpherway.
TELPHERWAY n. a route for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by telpher.
UNPATHWAYEDunpathwayed adj. Without a path.
UNPATHWAYED adj. without paths.
UNSEAWORTHYunseaworthy adj. Unfit for a sea voyage.
UNSEAWORTHY adj. not good enough to be used on the sea.
WASTERFULLYWASTERFUL adv. (Scots) extravagant.
WEARABILITYwearability n. The state or condition of being (comfortably) wearable.
WEARABILITY n. the ability to be worn.
WELDABILITYweldability n. The ability of a metal or other material to be welded under specified conditions.
WELDABILITY n. the quality of being weldable.
WETTABILITYwettability n. The ability of a solid surface to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in contact with it such that…
WETTABILITY n. the ability to be wetted.
YACHTSWOMENyachtswomen n. Plural of yachtswoman.
YACHTSWOMAN n. a woman who sails a yacht.
YELLOWTAILSyellowtails n. Plural of yellowtail.
Yellowtails prop.n. Plural of Yellowtail.
YELLOWTAIL n. any one of several species of marine carangoid fishes, esteemed as food fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 235 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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