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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, E, H, Q and R

AQUALEATHERAQUALEATHER n. leather made from fishskin.
BEQUEATHERSbequeathers n. Plural of bequeather.
BEQUEATHER n. one who bequeaths.
EARTHQUAKEDearthquaked v. Simple past tense and past participle of earthquake.
EARTHQUAKED adj. shaken or destroyed by an earthquake.
EARTHQUAKESearthquakes n. Plural of earthquake.
EARTHQUAKE n. a quaking or shaking of the earth.
HARLEQUINEDharlequined v. Simple past tense and past participle of harlequin.
HARLEQUIN v. to play a harlequin.
HARQUEBUSESharquebuses n. Plural of harquebus.
HARQUEBUSE n. an early type of portable firearm; specifically one supported on a tripod by a hook or on a forked rest, also ARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUSS.
HEADQUARTERheadquarter v. (US, transitive) To provide (an organization) with headquarters.
headquarter v. (US, intransitive) To establish headquarters.
HEADQUARTER v. to make one's headquarters.
HEADSQUARESheadsquares n. Plural of headsquare.
HEADSQUARE n. a square of material used as a covering for the head.
HINDQUARTERhindquarter n. Either rear half of a side of beef, mutton, veal, lamb or by extension from another edible mammal.
hindquarter n. (In the plural) The hind biped (leg) of a quadruped, or all body parts situated behind the hind legs’…
hindquarter n. (Metonymically, derogatory, usually in the plural) Human behind, butt.
SHABRACQUESSHABRACQUE n. (historical) a trooper's housing or saddlecloth, also SHABRACK.
SQUABASHERSSQUABASHER n. one who deals a squabash, a crushing blow.
SQUAREHEADSsquareheads n. Plural of squarehead.
SQUAREHEAD n. (offensive) a German or Scandinavian.
SQUIREARCHSSQUIREARCH n. a squire, a member of the squirearchy.
SQUIREARCHYsquirearchy n. The landowning gentry.
VANQUISHERSvanquishers n. Plural of vanquisher.
VANQUISHER n. one who vanquishes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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