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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, J and U

ADJUDGEMENTadjudgement n. Alternative form of adjudgment.
ADJUDGEMENT n. the act of adjudging, also ADJUDGMENT.
BLUEJACKETSbluejackets n. Plural of bluejacket.
BLUEJACKET n. an enlisted man in the navy.
EJACULATIVEejaculative adj. Ejaculatory.
EJACULATIVE adj. relating to ejaculation.
JEALOUSNESSjealousness n. The state or condition of being jealous.
JEALOUSNESS n. the state of being jealous.
JOURNALESESjournaleses n. Plural of journalese.
JOURNALESE n. the jargon of bad journalism.
JUDGEMENTALjudgemental adj. Alternative spelling of judgmental.
JUDGEMENTAL adj. giving to making judgements, also JUDGMENTAL.
PREADJUSTEDpreadjusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of preadjust.
PREADJUST v. to adjust in advance.
PREJUDICATEprejudicate adj. (Obsolete) Prejudiced, biased.
prejudicate adj. Preconceived (Of an opinion, idea etc.); formed before the event.
prejudicate v. (Transitive, intransitive, now rare) To determine beforehand, especially rashly; to prejudge.
READJUSTERSreadjusters n. Plural of readjuster.
READJUSTER n. one who readjusts.
REJUVENATEDrejuvenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of rejuvenate.
rejuvenated adj. Made young again.
rejuvenated adj. (Of a stream) Stimulated by uplift to renewed erosive activity.
REJUVENATESrejuvenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rejuvenate.
REJUVENATE v. to make young again.
REJUVENATORrejuvenator n. That which rejuvenates.
rejuvenator n. A substance sprayed onto a bituminous surface to renew it.
REJUVENATOR n. something that rejuvenates.
SUBJECTABLEsubjectable adj. Capable of being subjected (to something).
SUBJECTABLE adj. capable of being subjected.
SUPERJACENTsuperjacent adj. Positioned immediately above or on top of something else; overlying.
SUPERJACENT adj. lying above or upon.
UNENJOYABLEunenjoyable adj. Not enjoyable.
UNENJOYABLE adj. not enjoyable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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