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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, P and U

DISPATCHFULdispatchful adj. Bent on haste; intent on speedy execution of business or any task.
DISPATCHFUL adj. (Milton) swift.
PEACEFULLERpeacefuller adj. Comparative form of peaceful: more peaceful.
PEACEFUL adj. undisturbed, calm.
PISCIFAUNAEPISCIFAUNA n. the fish life of an area.
PISCIFAUNASPISCIFAUNA n. the fish life of an area.
PREFECTURALprefectural adj. Of, pertaining to or at the level of a prefecture.
PREFECTURAL adj. relating to a prefecture.
PURIFICATORpurificator n. One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
purificator n. (Christianity) The napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice during Holy Communion.
PURIFICATOR n. a cloth used to wipe the Eucharist chalice.
REPROACHFULreproachful adj. Expressing or containing reproach.
reproachful adj. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base.
REPROACHFUL adj. reproving.
SUPERFECTASsuperfectas n. Plural of superfecta.
SUPERFECTA n. a bet in which the bettor must pick the first four winners of a race in the correct order.
SUPERFICIALsuperficial adj. (Relational) Existing, occurring, or located on the surface.
superficial adj. Appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely.
superficial adj. Not thorough, deep, or complete; concerned only with the obvious or apparent.
SUPERFLACKSsuperflacks n. Plural of superflack.
SUPERFLACK n. a superior press agent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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