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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2D and U

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BALUSTRADEDbalustraded adj. Having balustrades.
BALUSTRADED adj. having a balustrade.
BLADDERNUTSbladdernuts n. Plural of bladdernut.
BLADDERNUT n. a genus of shrubs with inflated capsule.
BODYGUARDEDbodyguarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of bodyguard.
BODYGUARD v. to act as a bodyguard.
BULLWADDIESBULLWADDY n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also BULWADDY, BULLWADDIE.
DEBAUCHEDLYdebauchedly adv. In a debauched manner.
DEBAUCHED adv. DEBAUCH, to lead into lewdness, also DEBOSH.
DISSUADABLEdissuadable adj. That can be dissuaded.
DISSUADABLE adj. that can be dissuaded.
HUSBANDLANDhusbandland n. (Historical) The landholding of a husbandman, that is, a manorial tenant.
husbandland n. (Historical) A unit of land corresponding to a single farmstead; around 26 acres.
HUSBANDLAND n. a manorial tenant's holding; two oxgangs.
MOULDBOARDSmouldboards n. Plural of mouldboard.
MOULDBOARD n. a curved plate of iron (originally of wood) back of the share of a plow, which turns over the earth in plowing, also MOLDBOARD.
MULTIBLADEDmultibladed adj. Having multiple blades.
MULTIBLADED adj. having many blades.
SOUNDBOARDSsoundboards n. Plural of soundboard.
SOUNDBOARD n. a thin resonant board (as the belly of a violin) so placed in an instrument as to reinforce its tones by sympathetic vibration.
SUBSTANDARDsubstandard adj. Of inferior quality; not meeting the minimum quality requirements.
substandard adj. (Linguistics, dated) Not conforming to the standard variety; nonstandard.
sub-standard adj. Alternative spelling of substandard.
SURFBOARDEDsurfboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of surfboard.
SURFBOARD v. to surf on a surfboard.
UNDEBAUCHEDundebauched adj. Not debauched.
UNDEBAUCHED adj. not debauched.
UNDECIDABLEundecidable adj. (Mathematics, computing theory) Incapable of being algorithmically decided in finite time. For example…
undecidable adj. (Mathematics) (of a WFF) logically independent from the axioms of a given theory; i.e., that it can…
UNDECIDABLE adj. not decidable.
UNDIVIDABLEundividable adj. Not dividable.
UNDIVIDABLE adj. that cannot be divided.
UNHUSBANDEDunhusbanded adj. Without a husband; not married.
UNHUSBANDED adj. not husbanded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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