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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2T and W

ATHWARTSHIPathwartship adj. (Nautical) Oriented across the vessel sideways, i.e. in a direction at right angles to the fore-and-aft…
athwartship adv. Alternative form of athwartships.
ATHWARTSHIP adv. transverse to a ship, also ATHWARTSHIPS, THWARTSHIP.
BATTLEWAGONbattlewagon n. (Military) A heavily-armed combat vehicle.
battle␣wagon n. Alternative form of battlewagon.
BATTLEWAGON n. a battleship.
CATCHWATERScatchwaters n. Plural of catchwater.
CATCHWATER n. a drain or ditch for collecting surface or surplus water.
HEARTWATERSHEARTWATER n. a fatal tick-borne viral disease of cattle, sheep and goats.
PANTYWAISTSpantywaists n. Plural of pantywaist.
PANTYWAIST n. an effeminate or cowardly man.
STATESWOMANstateswoman n. A woman who is a leader in national or international affairs.
stateswoman n. A female political leader who promotes the public good or who is recognized for probity, leadership…
STATESWOMAN n. a female statesman.
STRAIGHTWAYstraightway n. A straight section of a racetrack.
straightway adv. (Dated) Synonym of straightaway or straight away (at once, immediately).
straightway adv. (Nonstandard) Directly.
TRANSITWAYStransitways n. Plural of transitway.
WAISTCOATEDwaistcoated adj. Wearing a waistcoat.
WAISTCOATED adj. wearing a waistcoat.
WASTEBASKETwastebasket n. A usually small indoor receptacle for items that are to be discarded; a rubbish bin.
wastebasket v. (Transitive) To discard in a wastebasket.
WASTEBASKET n. a basket or bin for holding discarded paper and other rubbish.
WASTEWATERSwastewaters n. Plural of wastewater.
WASTEWATER n. waste water.
WATCHSTRAPSwatchstraps n. Plural of watchstrap.
watch␣straps n. Plural of watch strap.
WATCHSTRAP n. the strap of a watch.
WATERCRAFTSwatercrafts n. Plural of watercraft.
WATERCRAFT n. a boat; boats collectively.
WATTLEBARKSWATTLEBARK n. the bark of various acacias, used for tanning.
WEATHERCASTweathercast n. (Meteorology) A weather forecast, especially one broadcast by radio or television.
WEATHERCAST n. a weather forecast esp. on radio or television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 154 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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