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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2A, P, S and V

APPROVANCESAPPROVANCE n. (archaic) approval.
CAPTIVANCEScaptivances n. Plural of captivance.
CAPTIVANCE n. (Spenser) captivity, also CAPTIVAUNCE.
CAPTIVATORScaptivators n. Plural of captivator.
CAPTIVATOR n. one who captivates.
DISAPPROVALdisapproval n. The act of disapproving; condemnation.
DISAPPROVAL n. censure, disapprobation.
EVAPORATORSevaporators n. Plural of evaporator.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
LARVIPAROUSlarviparous adj. (Zoology) Depositing living larvae, instead of eggs; said of certain insects.
LARVIPAROUS adj. giving birth to larvae.
PALLIATIVESpalliatives n. Plural of palliative.
PALLIATIVE n. something that palliates.
PALSGRAVINEpalsgravine n. The consort or widow of a palsgrave.
PALSGRAVINE n. the domain of a palsgrave, a count palatine.
PAPAVERINESpapaverines n. Plural of papaverine.
PAPAVERINE n. an alkaloid derived from poppy juice and used medicinally.
PAPOVAVIRUSpapovavirus n. (Archaic, virology) Any of the former family Papovaviridae, now split into the Papillomaviridae and…
PAPOVAVIRUS n. any of a group of DNA-containing oncogenic viruses.
PASSIVATINGpassivating v. Present participle of passivate.
PASSIVATE v. to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion.
PASSIVATIONpassivation n. (Chemistry, materials science) The process of making a material passive (non-reactive) in relation to…
passivation n. (Chemistry) The spontaneous formation of a hard non-reactive surface film (usually an oxide or nitride)…
passivation n. (Control theory) Conversion of a non-passive dynamical system into a passive one.
PRAVASTATINpravastatin n. (Pharmacology) A statin used to lower blood cholesterol levels, especially after a heart attack.
PROVASCULARprovascular adj. (Biology) Relating to the procambium.
PROVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or being procambium.
REAPPROVALSreapprovals n. Plural of reapproval.
SEPTAVALENTseptavalent adj. (Chemistry, medicine) Heptavalent.
SEPTAVALENT adj. having a valency of seven, also HEPTAVALENT, SEPTIVALENT.
VAPORISABLEvaporisable adj. Alternative form of vaporizable.
VAPORISABLE adj. capable of being vaporised.
VAPOURWARESVAPOURWARE n. a computer-related product that has been widely advertised but has not and may never become available, also VAPORWARE.
VAPULATIONSvapulations n. Plural of vapulation.
VAPULATION n. the act of beating or whipping.
VASOSPASTICvasospastic adj. Relating to, or producing vasospasm.
VASOSPASTIC adj. relating to vasospasm, a sharp spasm of a blood vessel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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