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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2A, L, Q and S

AQUAMANALESAQUAMANALE n. a ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial hand-washing, also AQUAMANILE.
AQUAMANILESaquamaniles n. Plural of aquamanile.
AQUAMANILE n. a ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial hand-washing, also AQUAMANALE.
AQUAPLANERSaquaplaners n. Plural of aquaplaner.
AQUAPLANER n. one who aquaplanes.
AQUARELLISTaquarellist n. (Art) An artist who paints aquarelles.
AQUARELLIST n. an artist painting aquarelles.
BEQUEATHALSbequeathals n. Plural of bequeathal.
BEQUEATHAL n. the act of bequeathing.
CATAFALQUEScatafalques n. Plural of catafalque.
CATAFALQUE n. (French) a temporary tomb used in funerals and processions, also CATAFALCO.
EQUATORIALSequatorials n. Plural of equatorial.
EQUATORIAL n. an equatorial telescope.
ILLAQUEATESillaqueates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of illaqueate.
ILLAQUEATE v. to ensnare.
MAQUILLAGESmaquillages n. Plural of maquillage.
MAQUILLAGE n. (French) makeup.
PASQUILANTSpasquilants n. Plural of pasquilant.
PASQUILANT n. a lampooner.
QUACKSALVERquacksalver n. (Archaic) One falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, especially one who dispenses potions…
quack-salver n. Alternative form of quacksalver.
QUACKSALVER n. (archaic) a quack.
QUADRANGLESquadrangles n. Plural of quadrangle.
QUADRANGLE n. a plane figure with four angles (and therefore four sides).
QUAESTORIALquaestorial adj. Of or relating to a quaestor.
QUAESTORIAL adj. relating to the office of quaestor, also QUESTORIAL.
QUESADILLASquesadillas n. Plural of quesadilla.
QUESADILLA n. (Spanish) a tortilla filled with cheese, chillis etc. folded and fried.
RAINSQUALLSrainsqualls n. Plural of rainsquall.
RAINSQUALL n. a squall of rain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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