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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, B and 2H

AMPHIBRACHSamphibrachs n. Plural of amphibrach.
AMPHIBRACH n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short.
BASHAWSHIPSBASHAWSHIP n. the office of bashaw.
BATHMITSVAHBATHMITSVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHMITZVAHBATHMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHMIZVAHSBATHMIZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHOPHOBIAbathophobia n. The fear of volumes with large depths such as stairways and deep caves.
bathophobia n. The fear of depths.
BATHOPHOBIA n. fear of falling from a high place.
BATHYSCAPHEbathyscaphe n. A self-propelled deep-sea diving submersible for exploring the ocean depths, consisting of a crew cabin…
BATHYSCAPHE n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPH.
BATHYSCAPHSbathyscaphs n. Plural of bathyscaph.
BATHYSCAPH n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPHE.
CHAMBERHANDCHAMBERHAND n. (New Zealand) a worker in the cold storage area of a slaughterhouse.
DAHABEEYAHSdahabeeyahs n. Plural of dahabeeyah.
HABERDASHERhaberdasher n. A dealer in ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods.
haberdasher n. (US) A men’s outfitter.
haberdasher n. (Britain) A member of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, a livery company.
HAEMOPHOBIAhaemophobia n. Alternative spelling of hemophobia.
hæmophobia n. Obsolete typography of haemophobia.
HAEMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of blood.
HAIRBREADTHhairbreadth n. The width of a hair, a very short distance or a very small amount.
HAIRBREADTH n. the breadth of a hair; a minute distance, also HAIRSBREADTH.
HANDBREADTHhandbreadth n. A space equal to the breadth of the hand; a palm.
HANDBREADTH n. the breadth of a hand, also HANDSBREADTH.
PATHOPHOBIApathophobia n. Fear of disease.
PATHOPHOBIA n. fear of disease.
PHAGOPHOBIAphagophobia n. A fear of swallowing.
PHAGOPHOBIA n. fear of eating.
TAPHEPHOBIAtaphephobia n. Alternative spelling of taphophobia.
TAPHEPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of being buried alive, also TAPHOPHOBIA.
TAPHOPHOBIAtaphophobia n. A fear of being buried alive.
TAPHOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of being buried alive, also TAPHEPHOBIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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