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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, R, S and 2V

AVERSIVELYaversively adv. In an aversive manner.
AVERSIVE adv. relating to aversion.
FLAVIVIRUSflavivirus n. Any arbovirus of the genus Flavivirus, many of which are transmitted by ticks or mosquitos.
Flavivirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Flaviviridae – RNA viruses, mostly having arthropod vectors, which…
FLAVIVIRUS n. a virus of the Flaviridae family, which includes the virus responsible for yellow fever.
OVERFAVORSoverfavors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfavor.
OVERFAVOR v. to favor excessively.
OVERLAVISHoverlavish adj. Excessively lavish; decadent.
OVERLAVISH adj. lavish to excess.
OVERSAVINGoversaving v. Present participle of oversave.
OVERSAVE v. to save too much.
OVERVALUESovervalues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overvalue.
OVERVALUE v. to value too highly.
PARVOVIRUSparvovirus n. Any single-stranded DNA virus, of the genus Parvovirus, being the smallest found in nature; they infect…
parvovirus n. Certain small viruses, not in genus Parvovirus, that infect humans.
Parvovirus prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Parvoviridae – very small viruses that cause disease in…
PRIVATIVESprivatives n. Plural of privative.
PRIVATIVE n. a privative attribute, quality, proposition, or particle.
REVIVALISMrevivalism n. Advocacy for the revival of a former practice, custom, etc.
revivalism n. Spiritual fervour of or for a religious revival.
REVIVALISM n. the spirit or methods characteristic of religious revivals.
REVIVALISTrevivalist n. Someone who seeks to revive something.
revivalist n. (US) An evangelistic preacher.
revivalist adj. (US) Evangelistic.
SURVIVABLEsurvivable adj. Able to be survived.
survivable adj. (Military) Capable of surviving a nuclear strike.
SURVIVABLE adj. resulting in or permitting survival.
SURVIVANCEsurvivance n. (Now rare) Survival.
survivance n. Succession to an estate, office etc. of someone who survives the previous holder, as nominated by them; survivorship.
survivance n. (Canada) The survival of Francophone culture in the face of Anglo-American hegemony.
UVAROVITESuvarovites n. Plural of uvarovite.
UVAROVITE n. (Russian) a green lime-chrome garnet.
VALVASSORSvalvassors n. Plural of valvassor.
VALVASSOR n. a knight, noble etc. with vassals under him who is himself the vassal of a greater noble, also VAVASOR, VAVASOUR, VAVASSOR.
VAVASORIESvavasories n. Plural of vavasory.
VAVASORY n. the tenure or lands of a vavasor.
VIVANDIERSvivandiers n. Plural of vivandier.
VIVANDIER n. (French) a (male) attendant on a regiment, who sells provisions.
VIVIPARIESVIVIPARY n. plants that germinate from a seed still on the parent plant.
VIVIPARISMviviparism n. (Biology) viviparous reproduction.
VIVIPARISM n. the bringing forth of live young.
VIVIPAROUSviviparous adj. (Of an animal or animal species) Being born alive, as are most mammals, some reptiles, and a few fish…
viviparous adj. (Of a plant or plant species) Arising from an embryo that develops from the outset (rather than from…
VIVIPAROUS adj. producing live young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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