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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, Q, T and 2U

CHAUTAUQUAchautauqua n. Alternative form of Chautauqua.
Chautauqua prop.n. A town and lake resort community in Chautauqua County, New York.
Chautauqua n. (Historical) A kind of travelling tent-show which used to move across America featuring popular talks.
EXEQUATURSexequaturs n. Plural of exequatur.
EXEQUATUR n. (Latin) an official recognition of a consul or commercial agent given by the government of the country in which he or she is to be based.
QUADRATURAQUADRATURA n. (Italian) a wall or ceiling painted with arches and columns in strong perspective.
QUADRATUREquadrature n. The process of making something square; squaring.
quadrature n. (Mathematics) The act or process of constructing a square that has the same area as a given plane figure…
quadrature n. (Mathematics, numerical analysis) The calculation of a definite integral by numerical means.
QUADRUPLETquadruplet n. A set of four, particularly.
quadruplet n. One of a group of four, particularly one of four babies born from the same mother during the same birth.
quadruplet n. A cycle for carrying four riders, arranged so that all the riders can assist in the propulsion.
QUAESITUMSQUAESITUM n. (Latin) something sought for; the true value.
QUAESTUARYquaestuary adj. Relating to or concerned with gain; engaged in moneymaking.
QUAESTUARY n. (Latin) an ancient Roman public treasurer or assistant military commander, also QUAESTOR, QUESTOR.
QUOTATIOUSquotatious adj. Tending to use quotations.
QUOTATIOUS adj. tending to quote.
SQUETEAGUEsqueteague n. The weakfish, a silvery edible American sciaenoid fish, Cynoscion regalis.
SQUETEAGUE n. (Native American) an American sciaenoid fish, aka weakfish, abundant on the Atlantic coast of the United States.
STATUESQUEstatuesque adj. Resembling or characteristic of a statue.
statuesque adj. (Of a woman) Elegantly tall, graceful, and attractive.
STATUESQUE adj. tall and well-proportioned in figure.
SUBAQUATICsubaquatic adj. Located or living under water; submarine.
SUBAQUATIC adj. under water.
UBIQUITARYubiquitary adj. (Archaic) ubiquitous.
ubiquitary n. One who exists everywhere.
ubiquitary n. (Religion, historical) A ubiquitarian.
ULTRAQUIETultraquiet adj. Extremely quiet.
ULTRAQUIET adj. very very quiet.
UNACQUAINTunacquaint v. (Rare) To undo (one’s or someone’s) acquaintance (with someone or something).
UNACQUAINT v. to deprive (a person) of awareness or acquaintance.
UNQUALITEDUNQUALITED adj. (Shakespeare) bereft of qualities, also UNQUALITIED.
UNQUOTABLEunquotable adj. Not quotable; that cannot be quoted.
UNQUOTABLE adj. not quotable.
UNTRANQUILuntranquil adj. Not tranquil.
UNTRANQUIL adj. not tranquil.
YOUTHQUAKEyouthquake n. (Informal) A noticeable shift in society or culture in response to the activities or tastes of younger…
YOUTHQUAKE n. a shift in cultural norms influenced by the values, tastes, and mores of young people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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