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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, O, T, W and Y

HATEWORTHYhateworthy adj. Worthy of being hated, detestable, despicable.
HATEWORTHY adj. worthy of hate.
NAMEWORTHYnameworthy adj. Worthy of being named or having a name; nameable; worthy of mention.
NAMEWORTHY adj. worth naming, distinguished.
POLYWATERSPOLYWATER n. a supposed form of water, said to be a polymer, with properties different from ordinary water.
ROADWORTHYroadworthy adj. Being able to be driven, or suitable for driving, on the open road.
ROADWORTHY adj. able to be used on a road.
ROADWORTHY n. in South Africa, a certificate for a roadworthy vehicle.
SHANTYTOWNshantytown n. An area containing a collection of shacks, shanties or makeshift dwellings.
shanty␣town n. An area, such as a suburb, consisting of mean, roughly-constructed dwellings inhabited by poor people.
SHANTYTOWN n. a usually poor town or section of a town consisting mostly of shanties.
TALLYWOMANtallywoman n. A woman who conducts the tally trade.
tallywoman n. (Informal, regional, archaic) A woman who cohabits (with someone) outside of marriage.
tally-woman n. Alternative form of tallywoman.
TALLYWOMENtallywomen n. Plural of tallywoman.
TALLYWOMAN n. a female tallyman.
THOUGHTWAYthoughtway n. The practices and underlying assumptions dictating how the members of a given society or culture think.
THOUGHTWAY n. a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group or culture.
THROUGHWAYthroughway n. (US) A broad highway fit for high-speed traffic; a thoroughfare.
THROUGHWAY n. (US) a motorway, also THRUWAY.
THROWAWAYSthrowaways n. Plural of throwaway.
throw-aways n. Plural of throw-away.
THROWAWAY n. a line, or a joke, that an actor purposely delivers casually or without emphasis.
UNTOWARDLYuntowardly adv. In an untoward way.
untowardly adj. Untoward.
UNTOWARD adv. not appropriate.
WORRYWARTSworrywarts n. Plural of worrywart.
worry-warts n. Plural of worry-wart.
worry␣warts n. Plural of worry wart.
WYANDOTTESwyandottes n. Plural of wyandotte.
Wyandottes n. Plural of Wyandotte.
WYANDOTTE n. (Native American) a breed of domestic fowl, of American origin.
WYLIECOATSwyliecoats n. Plural of wyliecoat.
wylie-coats n. Plural of wylie-coat.
WYLIECOAT n. (Scots) a flannel undervest or petticoat.
YELLOWTAILyellowtail adj. (In the names of certain organisms) Having a yellow tail.
yellowtail n. Yellowtail amberjack (Seriola lalandi).
yellowtail n. A fish native to the northwest Pacific, often used in sushi, the Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 147 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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