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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, N, O and 2W

BOWERWOMANbowerwoman n. (Historical) A female servant who waits upon a lady in her bedroom.
BOWERWOMAN n. (archaic) a chamber-woman, a lady's maid.
DOWNWARDLYdownwardly adv. In a downward direction.
DOWNWARDLY adv. in a downward direction.
DOWNWASHESdownwashes n. Plural of downwash.
DOWNWASH n. a downward deflection of air.
DRAWNWORKSDRAWNWORK n. ornamental needlework done by pulling out some of the threads of a fabric.
ENWALLOWEDenwallowed adj. (Obsolete, rare) Plunged or rolled in filth.
ENWALLOW v. (Spenser) to roll about in a wallowing way.
LAWNMOWERSlawnmowers n. Plural of lawnmower.
lawn-mowers n. Plural of lawn-mower.
lawn␣mowers n. Plural of lawn mower.
SWALLOWINGswallowing v. Present participle of swallow.
swallowing n. The act of swallowing.
SWALLOW v. to take into the stomach through the mouth and gullet.
SWANSDOWNSswansdowns n. Plural of swansdown.
SWANSDOWN n. heavy napped cotton flannel.
TOWNSWOMANtownswoman n. A woman who is a resident of a town, especially of one’s own town.
TOWNSWOMAN n. a woman who is a native or resident of a town or city.
WALLOWINGSwallowings n. Plural of wallowing.
WALLOWING n. the act of wallowing.
WALNUTWOODWALNUTWOOD n. the wood of the walnut tree.
WANWORDIERWANWORDY adj. (Scots) worthless, unworthy.
WINDOWPANEwindowpane n. A piece of glass filling a window or a section of a window.
windowpane n. (Slang) A gelatin base tab with LSD.
WINDOWPANE n. the glass in a window.
WITWANTONSwitwantons n. Plural of witwanton.
witwantons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of witwanton.
wit-wantons n. Plural of wit-wanton.
WOADWAXENSwoadwaxens n. Plural of woadwaxen.
woad-waxens n. Plural of woad-waxen.
WOADWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOODWAX, WOODWAXEN.
WOMANPOWERwomanpower n. The female workforce; the number of available female workers.
WOMANPOWER n. women available and prepared for work.
WOMENSWEARwomenswear n. Women’s clothing (and accessories), particularly in a retail context.
WOMENSWEAR n. clothes suitable for women.
WOODENWAREwoodenware n. Articles made from wood.
WOODENWARE n. ware made of wood.
WOODWAXENSwoodwaxens n. Plural of woodwaxen.
WOODWAXEN n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOADWAXEN, WOODWAX.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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