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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, N, O, Q and T

COEQUATINGcoequating v. Present participle of coequate.
COEQUATE v. to equate with something else.
COLLIQUANTcolliquant adj. (Formal) melting; liquefying.
COLLIQUANT adj. (obsolete) melting, wasting, also COLLIQUABLE.
CROQUANTESCROQUANTE n. (French) a crisp pie or tart.
EQUATIONALequational adj. Of, pertaining to, or constructed using equations.
EQUATIONAL adj. relating to an equation.
EQUITATIONequitation n. The art, practice or act of riding a horse; horsemanship.
EQUITATION n. the act or art of riding on horseback.
HACQUETONShacquetons n. Plural of hacqueton.
HACQUETON n. a stuffed jacket worn under mail, also ACTON, HAQUETON.
INEQUATIONinequation n. (Mathematics) A statement that two expressions are not the same.
INEQUATION n. an inequality.
LIQUATIONSliquations n. Plural of liquation.
LIQUATION n. the act or operation of making or becoming liquid.
NONAQUATICnonaquatic adj. Not aquatic.
NONAQUATIC adj. not living in the water.
ORTANIQUESortaniques n. Plural of ortanique.
ORTANIQUE n. (French) a cross between an orange and a tangerine.
QUANGOCRATquangocrat n. A proponent of quangocracy.
QUARTATIONquartation n. (Chemistry, archaic) The act, process, or result (in the process of parting) of alloying a button of…
QUARTATION n. mixing one part gold with three parts silver prior to purifying it.
QUATERNIONquaternion n. A group or set of four people or things.
quaternion n. A word of four syllables.
quaternion n. (Mathematics) A type of four-dimensional hypercomplex number consisting of a real part and three imaginary…
QUATORZAINquatorzain n. A poem or stanza consisting of fourteen lines.
QUATORZAIN n. a poem of fourteen lines; a sonnet.
QUOTATIONSquotations n. Plural of quotation.
QUOTATION n. something quoted.
QUOTIDIANSquotidians n. Plural of quotidian.
QUOTIDIAN n. a quotidian fever or ague.
SQUAMATIONsquamation n. (Zoology, uncountable) The condition or character of being covered with scales.
squamation n. (Zoology, countable) A particular arrangement of scales; a special mode or form of squamation.
squamation n. (Pathology, dermatology, countable) A scaly growth on the skin.
TOTAQUINESTOTAQUINE n. a mixture of quinine and alkaloids used as an antimalarial.
UNQUOTABLEunquotable adj. Not quotable; that cannot be quoted.
UNQUOTABLE adj. not quotable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 149 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 105 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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