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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, L, P, T and V

ADAPTIVELYadaptively adv. In an adaptive manner; with adaptation; in a fitting manner.
ADAPTIVE adv. able to be adapted.
ADOPTIVELYadoptively adv. In a adoptive manner; by adoption.
ADOPTIVE adv. due to adoption; having the specified familial relation by adoption.
AMPLIATIVEampliative adj. That broadens conceptual knowledge by adding new information.
AMPLIATIVE adj. amplifying (now chiefly in ampliative induction).
COPULATIVEcopulative adj. Of or pertaining to copulation.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That acts as a copula.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That connects the subject of a clause with its complement.
OPPILATIVEoppilative adj. (Obsolete) Obstructive.
oppilative n. (Obsolete) A medicine that obstructs, or closes the pores.
OPPILATIVE adj. obstructive.
OPTATIVELYoptatively adv. In an optative way.
OPTATIVE adv. expressing a wish.
OVERPLANTSoverplants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overplant.
OVERPLANT v. to plant to excess.
PALLIATIVEpalliative adj. Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate.
palliative adj. (Medicine) Minimising the progression of a disease and relieving undesirable symptoms for as long as…
palliative n. (Medicine) Something that palliates, particularly a palliative medicine.
POLYVALENTpolyvalent adj. Multivalent; having a number of different forms, purposes, meanings, aspects or principles.
polyvalent adj. (Chemistry) Having a high valence, especially more than three.
polyvalent adj. (Chemistry) Having multiple valencies.
PREVALENTSprevalents n. Plural of prevalent.
PREVALENT n. something prevalent.
PULVINATEDpulvinated adj. Pulvinate.
PULVINATED adj. cushion-like; bulging; pillowy, also PULVINATE.
PUTATIVELYputatively adv. According to belief.
PUTATIVE adv. supposed or reputed.
SPLENATIVEsplenative adj. (Obsolete) pertaining to the spleen.
SPLENATIVE adj. (obsolete) hot-tempered.
SPOLIATIVEspoliative adj. Serving to take away, diminish, or rob.
SPOLIATIVE adj. tending to spoil, also SPOLIATORY.
SUPRAVITALsupravital adj. (Cytology, of a stain) Capable of staining living cells after their removal from a host.
SUPRAVITAL adj. relating to the staining of living tissues.
VALPROATESvalproates n. Plural of valproate.
VALPROATE n. a salt of valproic acid.
VAPULATINGvapulating v. Present participle of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.
VAPULATIONvapulation n. (Obsolete) The act of beating or whipping.
VAPULATION n. the act of beating or whipping.
VOLUPTUARYvoluptuary n. One whose life is devoted to sensual appetites; a pleasure-seeker, a sensualist.
voluptuary adj. Of or relating to the seeking of sensual pleasure.
VOLUPTUARY n. a sensualist; a person fond of luxury.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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