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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, K, 2N and Y

ANKYLOSINGankylosing v. Present participle of ankylose.
ANKYLOSE v. to fuse as the bones of a joint.
BRADYKININbradykinin n. (Biochemistry) A compound released in the blood in some circumstances which causes contraction of smooth…
BRADYKININ n. a blood hormone causing dilation of blood vessels.
CLANKINGLYclankingly adv. With a clanking sound.
DANDYFUNKSDANDYFUNK n. a ship's biscuit, soaked in fat and molasses and baked in a pan, also DUNDERFUNK.
GUNNYSACKSgunnysacks n. Plural of gunnysack.
gunny␣sacks n. Plural of gunny sack.
GUNNYSACK n. a sack made of a coarse heavy material, such as burlap.
HACKNEYINGhackneying v. Present participle of hackney.
HACKNEY v. to make trite.
HACKNEYMANhackneyman n. (Dated) A man who hires out horses and carriages.
HACKNEYMAN n. a man who lets horses and carriages for hire.
HACKNEYMENhackneymen n. Plural of hackneyman.
HACKNEYMAN n. a man who lets horses and carriages for hire.
JOHNNYCAKEjohnnycake n. (US) A dense, baked or fried flatbread made of cornmeal.
johnny␣cake n. (North America, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Alternative form of johnnycake (“type of basic cornbread”).
JOHNNYCAKE n. a kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc. and baked, also JONNYCAKE.
JONNYCAKESjonnycakes n. Plural of jonnycake.
JONNYCAKE n. a kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc., and baked, also JOHNNYCAKE.
KANAMYCINSkanamycins n. Plural of kanamycin.
KANAMYCIN n. a broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from a Japanese soil streptomyces.
PRANKINGLYprankingly adv. (Archaic) With showy display or adornment.
SNEAKINGLYsneakingly adv. In the manner of one who is sneaking or sneaky; slyly, covertly.
SNEAKING adv. SNEAK, to move stealthily.
SPANKINGLYspankingly adv. In a spanking manner; vigorously; freshly.
SPANKING adv. spirited, going freely.
SYNKARYONSsynkaryons n. Plural of synkaryon.
SYNKARYON n. the nucleus of a fertilized egg.
UNKNOWABLYunknowably adv. In an unknowable way; ineffably.
UNKNOWABLE adv. that cannot be known.
UNSHAKENLYunshakenly adv. Without being shaken.
UNSHAKEN adv. not shaken.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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