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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, K, 2M and O

BACKGAMMONbackgammon n. A board game for two players in which each has 15 stones which move between 24 triangular points according…
backgammon n. (Backgammon) A victory in the game when the loser has not borne off a stone, and still has one or more…
backgammon v. To win at a backgammon game with the opponent having one or more pieces in the winner’s inner home row…
COCKAMAMIEcockamamie n. (US, chiefly dated) A decal, a design that can be transferred to a surface.
cockamamie n. A foolish or ridiculous person.
cockamamie adj. (Informal) Foolish, ill-considered, silly, unbelievable.
GAMMOCKINGgammocking v. Present participle of gammock.
GAMMOCK v. (dialect) to frolic.
HAMMERKOPShammerkops n. Plural of hammerkop.
HAMMERKOP n. (South African) a bird of the heron family.
HAMMERLOCKhammerlock n. A hold, in wrestling, in which an opponent’s arm is twisted up behind his back; an armlock.
HAMMERLOCK n. a wrestling hold.
HOMEMAKERShomemakers n. Plural of homemaker.
HOMEMAKER n. a housewife or househusband.
HOMEMAKINGhomemaking n. The management of a household considered as an occupation.
home-making n. Alternative spelling of homemaking.
HOMEMAKING n. the making of a home.
KILOGRAMMEkilogramme n. (UK) Dated spelling of kilogram.
KILOGRAMME n. a unit of mass and weight, one thousand grams, also KILOGRAM.
KOMPROMATSkompromats n. Plural of kompromat.
KOMPROMAT n. documents, photographs, etc that may be damaging to a person's reputation, kept as a potential tool for blackmail.
MAMMOCKINGmammocking v. Present participle of mammock.
MAMMOCK v. (Shakespeare) to tear something to shreds, also MUMMOCK.
MARKSWOMANmarkswoman n. A woman skilled at hitting targets, as with a firearm, bow, or thrown object.
MARKSWOMAN n. a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target.
MARKSWOMENmarkswomen n. Plural of markswoman.
MARKSWOMAN n. a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target.
MOLLYMAWKSmollymawks n. Plural of mollymawk.
molly-mawks n. Plural of molly-mawk.
MOLLYMAWK n. (Dutch) the fulmar or similar bird, also MALLEMUCK.
MONEYMAKERmoneymaker n. Someone or something that earns or makes money; anything lucrative or profitable.
moneymaker n. (Slang, vulgar) (usually a woman’s) butt, ass, rear end.
moneymaker n. (Slang, vulgar) A lady’s breast.
MOVIEMAKERmoviemaker n. A person who makes movies as a profession; a cinematographer.
MOVIEMAKER n. one who makes movies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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