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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, J and U

BIJURALISMSorry, definition not available.
DIJUDICATEdijudicate v. To make a judicial decision; to decide; to determine.
DIJUDICATE v. to judge, to decide.
INJUDICIALinjudicial adj. Not according to the forms of law; not judicial.
INJUDICIAL adj. not judicial.
IRUKANDJISIrukandjis n. Plural of Irukandji.
IRUKANDJI n. a very venomous jellyfish found mainly near Australia.
JAUNDICINGjaundicing v. Present participle of jaundice.
JAUNDICE v. to prejudice unfavourably.
JUBILARIANjubilarian n. A person celebrating a jubilee or other special anniversary.
JUBILARIAN n. one celebrating a jubilee.
JUBILATINGjubilating v. Present participle of jubilate.
JUBILATE v. to rejoice.
JUBILATIONjubilation n. A triumphant shouting; rejoicing; exultation.
JUBILATION n. an act of rejoicing.
JUDICATIONjudication n. The act of judging, judgment.
JUDICATION n. judgment.
JUDICATIVEjudicative adj. Having power to judge; judicial.
JUDICATIVE adj. having power to judge; as, the judicative faculty.
JUDICIALLYjudicially adv. In a judicial manner.
JUDICIAL adv. pertaining to courts of law.
JURISTICALjuristical adj. Alternative form of juristic.
JURISTICAL adj. of or pertaining to a jurist, to the legal profession, or to jurisprudence, also JURISTIC.
JUSTICIARSjusticiars n. Plural of justiciar.
JUSTICIAR n. (historical) an administrator of justice; a supreme judge, also JUSTICER, JUSTICIARY.
JUSTICIARYjusticiary n. (Scotland, countable, chiefly historical) A judgeship: a judge’s jurisdiction, power, or office.
justiciary n. (Originally Scotland, uncountable) The judiciary: a collective term for the court system or the body…
justiciary n. (Historical) One who administers justice, particularly…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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