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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, H, P, R and Z

APHORIZERSaphorizers n. Plural of aphorizer.
APHORIZER n. one who makes aphorisms, also APHORISER, APHORIST.
APHORIZINGaphorizing v. Present participle of aphorize.
APHORIZE v. to make a concise statement, also APHORISE.
EMPATHIZERempathizer n. One who empathizes.
GRAPHITIZEgraphitize v. To convert to graphite.
graphitize v. To coat with graphite.
GRAPHITIZE v. to convert wholly or partly into graphite, also GRAPHITISE.
HAPHAZARDShaphazards n. Plural of haphazard.
HAPHAZARD n. mere chance, fortuitousness.
HEPARINIZEheparinize v. (Medicine, transitive) To treat with heparin, especially so as to prevent coagulation.
PILEORHIZApileorhiza n. (Botany) A cap of cells covering the growing extremity of a root; a rootcap.
PILEORHIZA n. a cap of cells which covers the growing extremity of a root, aka rootcap.
RHAPSODIZErhapsodize v. (Intransitive) To speak with exaggerated or rapturous enthusiasm (about, (up)on or over something).
rhapsodize v. (Transitive) To say (something) with exaggerated or rapturous enthusiasm.
rhapsodize v. (Transitive) To recount or describe (something) as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody.
RHIZOCARPSRHIZOCARP n. a water-fern or heterosporous fern.
RHIZOPLANErhizoplane n. The microenvironment of a root system near the surface.
RHIZOPLANE n. the surface of a root together with the soil adhering to it.
RHIZOPODANRHIZOPODAN n. one of the Rhizopoda, amoebae and rotarians moving and taking in food with pseudopods, also RHIZOPOD.
SCHIZOCARPschizocarp n. (Botany) A dry fruit that develops from multiple carpels and splits into multiple, one-seeded mericarps at maturity.
SCHIZOCARP n. a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones, e.g. the winged seed pod of maple trees.
SIZARSHIPSsizarships n. Plural of sizarship.
SIZARSHIP n. the position or standing of a sizar.
THERAPIZEDtherapized v. Simple past tense and past participle of therapize.
therapized adj. Resembling or characteristic of psychotherapy; psychobabbly.
THERAPIZE v. to subject to psychological therapy, also THERAPISE.
THERAPIZEStherapizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of therapize.
THERAPIZE v. to subject to psychological therapy, also THERAPISE.
ZINCOGRAPHzincograph n. An engraved zinc plate used in zincography.
zincograph n. An engraving made with such a plate.
ZINCOGRAPH n. a plate or picture produced by zincography.
ZOANTHROPYzoanthropy n. (Medicine) A kind of delusion in which the patient believes himself transformed into one of the lower animals.
ZOANTHROPY n. a form of mental delusion in which a person believes himself or herself to be an animal.
ZOOGRAPHERzoographer n. One who carries out zoography; a describer of animals.
zoögrapher n. Alternative spelling of zoographer.
ZOOGRAPHER n. one who describes animals, their forms and habits, also ZOOGRAPHIST.
ZOOGRAPHICzoographic adj. Of or pertaining to zoography.
ZOOGRAPHIC adj. relating to zoography, the painting or description of animals, also ZOOGRAPHICAL.
ZOOTHERAPYzootherapy n. The use of living animals for medical treatment or as an adjunct to medical diagnosis.
ZOOTHERAPY n. veterinary therapeutics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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